The old village is still located 2 km south from the new one. Borgo abbandonato nel 1951 a causa della devastazione dovuta a un’alluvione, rimane quasi come una “città fantasma”, molto caratteristica. “Gairo Vecchio nel cuore” è un’associazione nata a Gairo nel 2019, grazie ad alcuni membri del paese, alla collaborazione della Proloco e del Comune di Gairo, con lo scopo di salvaguardare e rendere migliore la “Ghost town” più famosa della Sardegna: Gairo vecchio. Mt Ferru and Mt Cartucceddu embellish the coastline with deep purple rocks, while juniper trees fill the air with their heady fragrance. Se risiedi in un altro paese o in un'altra area geografica, seleziona la versione appropriata di Tripadvisor dal menu a discesa. you can walk between partly collapsed building, in some places. Its name seems to be linked to the name given by the Romans to the old tribe inhabiting the zone: Ilienses (literally, "the stone of Ilienses"). Nelle nostre escursioni offriamo un buon aperitivo a bordo a base di ingredienti Sardi sempre freschi . It’s sad they had to abandon it but at least they rebuilt another one. Un paese fantasma come pochi in Sardegna, si trova sulla strada statale 198 tra Lanuesei e Jerzu, nella regione dei Tacchi d’Ogliastra. Thanks Murissa. it must be so eerie walking through this abandoned town. Quali sono i ristoranti vicino a Gairo Vecchio? We arrived in Sardinia thinking we would be spending time on some of their beautiful beaches but the weather across Europe has not been kind this summer so we decided to head inland and explore some of the small villages. A very strange and surreal experience but worth a visit. I’ve never been to Sardinia or Corsica and must try to get there some day. when we arrived there were several groups exploring the town, so it was not so spooky like walking alone. With my small understanding of Italian, it seems that flooding twice destroyed the city in the 1920’s and after a final bad flood of 1952, it was decided to abandon the village and build another, Gairo Sant’Elena, two kilometres up the hill. Unforgettable visit to the past. Gairo Vecchio has been uninhabited since 1963. Se vi capita fermatevi!! Vedi tutti gli hotel vicino a Gairo Vecchio su Tripadvisor, Perda E Liana Ristorante Pizzeria Di Deiana Mario Bar, Vedi tutti i ristoranti vicino a Gairo Vecchio su Tripadvisor. Ah, in zona non c'è nulla, né bar né altro: se dovete bere/mangiare dovrete portarvi dietro le vettovaglie o raggiungere Gairo nuova. The municipality is also known for the archeological sites of Serbissi (together with Osini, a big nuraghe built on the top of a mountain and on the top of a natural cave, originally used to store food) and Is Tostoinus. I’m sure it was once a wonderful and beautiful place. So, so beautiful and haunting and sad and wonderful all at the same time. Current location of Gairo is due to a flood in 1951 that forced people to abandon the old village and to build a new one. A fascinating town with two lives, before and after the terrible flooding, a region that is a treasure trove of natural attractions on the coast and inland, A small but important town in the Olgiastra hinterland in east-central Sardinia whose beautiful landscape stretches down to the seaside, blessed with a myriad of natural attractions, Altre attrazioni da scoprire nei dintorni, Pagina a cura dell'Assessorato del Turismo Artigianato e Commercio. There are many wall paintings on the village, which represent daily life of the community. In tempi ben più recenti, oltre che sperimentare il graduale spopolamento dovuto alle condizioni di povertà dell’isola a cavallo di XIX e XX secolo, Gairo Vecchio dovette lottare contro la natura. Gairo Vecchio: il triste destino nell’origine del suo nome. Ma è proprio Gairo Vecchio, il paese che non esiste più, ad attirare i turisti che amano i percorsi alternativi a quelli della Sardegna da cartolina. It must have been a courageous decision to abandon the village and start again. It was considered as an holy mountain by the Nuragic people inhabiting the zone. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Gli abitanti di Gairo Vecchio non sono scomparsi nel nulla. The new town has been relocated a few KM away further up the mountain (also good for a little stroll around). La suggestione è massima al tramonto o di inverno, quando la luce è minore e si nota di più la mancanza dei tratti tipici della vita umana moderna. Roads wind around the tall granite mountains and you never know what you will see around the next corner. The move was completed in 1969. That day is the beginning of Carnival, a crazy period which lasts almost a month, until the Ash Wednesday. Particular is the painting representing one mask of the old Carnival, "Su Maimulu de Gairu", painted by A. Ascedu. 36 recensioni. So beautiful and so sad at the same time – not sure many of us can imagine having to abandon our homes and move farther up hill! It pays to upset our husband’s sometimes . Hi Jenny, sometimes it’s a blessing in disquise when the weather does not cooperate with your plans, you get to explore the unexpected. At 1293 m, it is one of the best known natural monuments on the island for its strange appearance. Gairo Vecchio, Su Maimulu, ed. The most famous legend linked to the village is that of Sa Babaieca. In Ogliastra, nella Sardegna centro-orientale, c’è un paese completamente disabitato. This representations have their raisins in the pagan era, before than Roman and Christian arrive. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In the long run they were probably smart not to have to deal with flooding again. Ma negli ultimi decenni la sua popolarità... Heart of Sardinia® è un circuito multicanale di promozione turistica dell'azienda. What a great find. L’abbandono, comunque, non fu totale e immediato. sue acque cristalline. What a great discovery, Jenni! There are not historical evidences of these sacrifices, however the legend is still told to children as to teach them the importance of old people's words. This led to the abandonment of the original location and re-building at an uphill location. I can’t imagine being told I had to abandon my home. I was fascinated as to where they were going to lead me! In basso, invece, sorge l’antico cimitero, affollato di tombe immerse in una vegetazione sempre più fitta. The town itself climbs upwards along a deep gulley with 700 and 800 high walls that came about after landslides caused by torrential flooding in 1951. It would take a lot to abandon a village. It is the end of winter and the beginning of celebrations involving the whole community. Its gems include Coccorrocci and su Sirboni (the boar). Travolse tutto ciò che non era ben saldamente ancorato al terreno. I too would love to know what the town was like before it was abandoned, Nancie. Yes you must visit Kalgoorlie! From a distance, towns appear dotted over the landscape. N. 2 di 10 Cose da fare a Sardegna. Gairo was originally constructed on unstable ground. Both are made by A. Diana. Thanks for following our’s been fun! Have you also seen the new village that they built? L’aspetto più affascinante di Gairo Vecchio è il suo relativamente buono – e inquietante – stato di conservazione. The path to reach it is curiously called "Conch'e luas", literally "head of euphorbia" (the hallucinogen herb that according to the legend was assumed before than jumping from the rock). Avevo visto qualche anno fa uno speciale su qsto posto, e mi sono detto quando capito nell'interno della Sardegna voglio proprio fare un salto x vedere davvero com'è qsto posto/paesaggio. I found the village beautiful too..and at peace. i’d imagine that it would be incredibly hard to leave your village but the alternatives weren’t brilliant! Thanks Jan. My husband is used to me yelling stop and being expected to stop there and then! Lime was used in the houses and it is this that is now providing touches of colour in the buildings. LA STORIA travagliata dell’abitato, di Gairo Vecchio, insediamenti antichissimi, sorto all' inizio della fine dell’Ottocento, quando diversi violenti nubifragi provocarono frane e smottamenti. Situata nel golfo di Olbia, è una delle meraviglie sarde che... La leggenda di seguito narrata si potrebbe intitolare “l’abito da sposa” e si riferisce ad un ballo dei morti che si sarebbe... La Sardegna è da sempre nota per i suoi paesaggi unici e le È il villaggio abbandonato più famoso della Sardegna, sito in una cornice naturale di grande fascino e suggestione. it would have been fabulous to have been able to talk to some of the locals who must have lived thee as children. Yes..if only the walls could talk! It would have been great to read some personal stories on the move and how the families felt at the time. . Un paese fantasma, abbandonato completamente nel 1969 a causa dello smottamento della parete rocciosa in cui è stato costruito. The region’s most heartfelt celebrations take place in early August in honour of the Madonna della Neve and the Pentecost, all of which includes the enjoyment of such delightful sweets as piricchittus and amaretti, not to mention other treats and renown wines. There’s despair but there’s hope as well. it is a sad story Sophie but they tried to stay and in the end, nature won! Sardinia is a fabulous place to visit. Gairo Vecchio: AGGIORNATO 2020 - tutto quello che c'è da sapere - Tripadvisor. Is this a romantic place or activity that you would suggest for, Is this a place or activity you would suggest for, Are the prices for this place or activity, Is this a must-do if you are traveling with a. Safe travels! Like all Sardinian Carnivals, in the Carnival period people use to wear horrific masks and to represent an ancestral fight between the wild nature and the community, between the Good and the Bad. With my small understanding of Italian, it seems that flooding twice destroyed the city in the 1920’s and after a final bad flood of 1952, it was decided to abandon the village and build another, Gairo Sant’Elena, two kilometres up the hill. you can walk between partly collapsed building, in some places you can see signs of human activity. It was a shame the weather was overcast all the time. Molte case appaiono da lontano ben conservate. The island is gorgeous and has much more to offer than the beaches. “Gairo Vecchio nel cuore” è un’associazione nata a Gairo nel 2019, grazie ad alcuni membri del paese, alla collaborazione della Proloco e del Comune di Gairo, con lo scopo di salvaguardare e rendere migliore la “Ghost town” più famosa della Sardegna: Gairo vecchio. Gairo, Gàiru in Sardinian, is a comune (municipality) in the Province of Nuoro in the Italian region Sardinia, located about 80 kilometres (50 mi) northeast of Cagliari and about 30 kilometres (19 mi) southwest of Tortolì. Dolphins have lived free in Golfo Aranci for a long time and now recognize our boats. Inside Kensington Palace Il territorio di Gairo Vecchio passò di mano tra diverse famiglie iberiche quali i Carroz, i Centelles, i Borgia, i Català e gli Osorio de la Cueva. La stessa parola Gairo significa profeticamente “terra che scorre”. sventrate che spesso ospitano interi alberi. Scegli un'altra data. Oggi è un luogo fantasma e affascinante. Local people use to crowd it again once a year, on the 17–20 August period, to celebrate Saint Elena, patroness of the village. Scegli un'altra data. Quali sono gli hotel vicino a Gairo Vecchio? Happy holiday. The meaning of this representation was a hope of the whole community: wild nature dancing at the rhythm they wanted (with regular rains etc...). Altro, Tour e attività più venduti a e vicino a Sardegna, OSSERVAZIONE DELFINI
Il Dolphin Watching è una delle gite piu richieste.I delfini vivono liberi a Golfo Aranci da molto tempo e ormai riconoscono le nostre barche . Questa è una versione del sito destinata in generale a chi parla Italiano in Italia. All demographics and other statistics: Italian statistical institute, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Popolazione Residente al 1° Gennaio 2018",,_Sardinia&oldid=984512389, Wikipedia articles with style issues from October 2020, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Italian-language text, Pages using infobox settlement with image map1 but not image map, Articles needing additional references from October 2020, All articles needing additional references, Articles containing Sardinian-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 20 October 2020, at 13:42. During these representation, a bad character (s'urtzu ballabeni), wearing sheepskins and an horrific mask, advances through the village attacking and scaring everybody with an aggressive mood. If you are a resident of another country or region, please select the appropriate version of Tripadvisor for your country or region in the drop-down menu. Stop I yelled as my poor husband had to yet again find a parking spot on a narrow winding road. It starts from the MARINA DI OLBIA port and we make a tour to the Capo Ceraso and Tavolara islands. Fu costruita per onorare un voto dalle donne di Ulàssai, a cui è ricollegata una curiosa leggenda campestre. According to this legend, old people aged 70 used to assume hallucinogen herbs (sa lua, euphorbia) and to reach a big rock south of the village accompanied by the oldest male son. It was more intriguing than eerie Jill. Affascinante e inquietante al tempo stesso è il vedere i segni di una modernità in arrivo, ma che non si è mai potuta sviluppare. Passato poi sotto il potere pisano e infine aragonese, divenne parte della contea – poi marchesato – di Quirra. This place looks great. Condividi un'altra esperienza prima di partire. How hard it must have been to leave. I cookie ci aiutano a personalizzare Heart of Sardinia per i nostri utenti e alcuni sono necessari a far funzionare il nostro sito. Hi Jemma. Arroccato sul fianco del monte Armidda, a 600 metri sopra il livello del mare, Gairo Vecchio giace silenzioso sulla serie di tornati che risalgono l’altura. If you are heading this way, don’t miss the driveway on the right hand side of the road as you come up the hill. It was only then that I noticed that further down the hill lay the remains of a town, abandoned many years ago and left to the ravishes of time. No the streets didn’t feel eerie Debbie. Were the buildings in the village above built as lovely as these once were or did they have a more modern feel? My first thought before I knew what had happened, was why hadn’t someone renovated some of the buildings. Si percepisce la loro bellezza, nonostante la ruggine e talvolta le distorte inclinazioni dovute al cedere del pavimento sottostante. Gairo Vecchio is a ghost tow, abandoned a half of century ago. Everyone has a particular meaning and acts following a given screenplay (hand down for centuries through tellings of the elderly). Una meta imperdibile per chi visita questa parte dell’Ogliastra. This character is put on chains by other characters, the good ones (is maimulus). Il primo insediamento presso Gairo Vecchio risale al medioevo, durante l’epoca giudicale, sotto Calari. Gairo: la città fantasma E' tra i più famosi paesi fantasma della Sardegna, Gairo Vecchia dalla storia decisamente tormentata, vede un'improvvisa decadenza alla fine dell’Ottocento, quando diversi violenti nubifragi provocano frane e smottamenti, continuando per circa mezzo secolo, fino alla terribile alluvione del 1951 che rese le case pericolanti e non più sicure.
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