>> Festival Internazionale della Sardegna Città di Uta 02 / 06 agosto - Uta (CA) Il Festival Internazionale della Sardegna Città di Uta vuole permettere incontri tra artisti, musicisti, cantanti, corali, insegnanti, direttori artistici, manager, mirati alla crescita artistica ed umana e a favorire lo scambio culturale tra i partecipanti Red Valley Festival è su Facebook e Instagram: seguici, condividi e commenta. These cookies do not store any personal information. Il palco, i giochi di luci, la musica, l’energia del pubblico renderanno la tua esperienza unica e indimenticabile. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Last but not least, the hospitality of Sardinian people: every concert ended with a party to make the choirs feel welcome and at home. “Candelieri” means Candle bearers: in this parade locals carry large candles representing the different Sassari districts they belong to. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Christmas and New Year’s Eve are not to be missed in Alghero: as usual the city will salute the new year with the amazing fireworks show that will take place in the harbour area. Prices and download plans . Festival Internazionale al Sole della Sardegna has just concluded successfully with great satisfaction of all the 38 participating choirs. First session: 1-4 September 2021
02487390904 Si parlerà di mare, ambiente, cultura, tradizioni con anche musica, arte, spettacoli ed escursioni. Tappa di La Maddalena - 02 agosto 2011. Answer Save. Not to be missed the fireworks show at night. Santa Lucia Festival 2020, ecco il programma completo: torna anche quest’anno il “Santa Lucia Festival“, il “Festival del mare” che si svolge presso il borgo di Santa Lucia, l’incantevole località turistica in territorio di Siniscola (nel nord est della Sardegna, ma ancora in provincia di Nuoro). Forest, Jonny Mars, Michael Coleman, Scott Henderson, John Primer, Popa Chubby, Canned Heat, Mick Taylor, Eric Sardinas, Robben Ford, John Mayall, Willy DeVille, The Neville Brothers, Eric Bibb, Peter Green, Larry Carlton, Nine Below Zero, Robert Randolph, e tanti altri. Pariglias showdown during the traditional Olive Festival in Villamassargia, a village in southwest Sardinia(Italy) the big island, QUARTU S.E., ITALY - September 15, 2012: Parade of the Wine Festival 2012 - Sardinia. Thank you, Sardinia! Favorite Answer. The inland is vast and wild, perfect for outdoor trips of any kind, from a simple stroll in the open air to more intense days-long hiking trips, and for discovering the island’s culture, traditions and millenary art. The choirs performed 15 concerts in as many townships of Sulcis (South Sardinia), getting to know the famous hospitality of the Sardinian people: the choirs felt welcomed by the warm embrace of the cities where the concerts have been held; such welcoming has been shown by the accurate setting of each concert, by their appropriate advertising and, at the end of the concert, by the always generous organisation of a moment of conviviality which allowed the invited choirs to savour tastes and smells of the gorgeous Sardinia once again. Dal 13 al 15 agosto il Piazzale delle Rocce Rosse si prepara ad ospitare un evento incredibile, ma ricordati, con Te, è tutta un’altra musica. selezioni per il concorso nazionale. La redazione valuterà l’evento e contatterà gli organizzatori che ci indicherai per la pubblicazione. QUARTU S.E., ITALY - SEPTEMBER 17, 2016: Parade of Sardinian costumes and carts for the grape festival in honor of the celebrations of, Sardinia.Pariglias. palco, i giochi di luci, la musica, l’energia del pubblico renderanno la tua esperienza unica e indimenticabile. (dates to be confirmed), Sant’Antioco – Province of South Sardinia. Moreover, the local astrophile amateur association organises stars gazing with telescopes at night. © 2020 • Sardegnainfopoint by SMS Smart Media Services. Ti fa scoprire eventi, cibo e territorio in tutta Italia. Il tuo indirizzo email non verrà pubblicato. The Sardinia Carnival 2020 in Macomer this year features “Carrasegare in Macumere” a parade of Sardinia’s traditional masks.
The Rally dei Nuraghi e del Vermentino will be held on the roads of Gallura on 4 and 5 April. Italy by Events - c.fis e P.IVA 11036580154 - tel.+39.02.70630403 - Note legali | Privacy, Eventi, cibo, esperienze per un indimenticabile viaggio in Italia, ALTRI FESTIVAL DI MUSICA IN AGOSTO-SETTEMBRE IN SARDEGNA, a Sant’Anna Arresi, nel Sulcis Iglesiente, dal, in 9 comuni del Nord della Sardegna, da Alghero a Castelsardo. This celebration used to mark the culmination of the summer season in Alghero; as of today it has become more a must see for visitors with its games, music and many events. Questo sito Web utilizza i cookie per migliorare la tua esperienza. Home » Sardegna » Eventi » Narcao Blues – Narcao. This is the 32nd edition of this jazz music festival: a lot of special guests are attending coordinated by the founder Paolo Fresu. ---AbruzzoBasilicataCalabriaCampaniaEmilia-RomagnaFriuli-Venezia GiuliaLazioLiguriaLombardiaMarcheMolisePiemontePugliaSardegnaSiciliaToscanaTrentino-Alto AdigeUmbriaValle d'AostaVeneto, Grazie per volerci segnalare un tuo "evento del cuore" da valutare per la pubblicazione.Non è previsto nessun compenso ma, se ci autorizzi, possiamo pubblicare il tuo nome di “segnalatore” come fonte di informazione dell’evento. Fans can follow the event on various high definition screens placed around the race village. GRANDI FESTIVALS ITALIANI . This is not only thanks to the participating choirs but also due to the gorgeous locations that have framed the concerts (Cave of S. Giovanni in Domusnovas, Temple of Antas in Fluminimaggiore, ancient Cathedral of Tratalias, Ex Centrale di Buggerru, Church of Carloforte, Church of Calasetta…). This website uses cookies to improve your experience. The popular singer-songwriter James Blunt will perform in Sardinia at the Forte Arena located in Pula (province of Cagliari) on July. Qui tutte le info. Narcao Blues è la manifestazione dedicata al Blues che attira a Narcao, piccolo comune della Sardegna meridionale in provincia di Carbonia-Iglesias, grandi artisti blues anche del panorama musicale internazionale. Il piazzale sul quale si svolge il Festival si trova a pochi metri dal mare circondato da una spettacolare cattedrale di rocce immerso nella natura incontaminata tipica dell’Ogliastra. Festival Internazionale al Sole della Sardegna has just concluded successfully with great satisfaction of all the 38 participating choirs. ALTRI FESTIVAL DI MUSICA IN AGOSTO-SETTEMBRE IN SARDEGNA – “ Ai confini tra Sardegna e Jazz ” a Sant’Anna Arresi, nel Sulcis Iglesiente, dal 31 Agosto al 6 Settembre 2020 >>> – “ Musica sulle Bocche “ in 9 comuni del Nord della Sardegna, da Alghero a Castelsardo. Festa di Sant’Antioco Martire The festival of Sant’Antioco (660th edition!) Narcao Blues è uno degli appuntamenti musicali estivi tradizionali della Sardegna, che negli anni è diventata una regione frequentata da appassionati di musica per la grande offerta di jazz, blues, soul e di concerti di artisti da tutto il mondo, anche in luoghi storici e naturali di grande fascino. Santa Lucia Festival 2020, ecco il programma completo : torna anche quest’anno il “ Santa Lucia Festival “, il “ Festival del mare ” che si svolge presso il borgo di Santa Lucia , l’incantevole località turistica in territorio di Siniscola (nel nord est della Sardegna , ma ancora in provincia di Nuoro ). Quest’anno il Festival giunge alla 6° edizione. – tra gli stranieri: Andy J. Eterogenei, differenti, unici, rischiosi, controversi: ecco come scegliamo i protagonisti del Red Valley Festival.La line up sorprende e affascina, suoni diversi che interpretano le stesse esigenze: divertirsi, ballare, saltare, gridare e alzare le mani al cielo.Noi sappiamo come farlo. But what about events, sport events and festivals? We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Associazione Culturale Progetto Evoluzione: This event is held each year in Alghero on the St Giovanni beach; it is a feast that celebrates the beginning of the summer, the friendship and brotherhood with its famous fires (called Focs in Catalan). is one of the most important events of the island that embodies tradition, folklore, faith, food and entertainment. Supponiamo che questo ti stia bene, ma puoi rifiutare, se lo desideri. All rights reserved. The popular American hard rock band will perform in Cagliari at the Fabrik venue located in via Goffredo Mameli 216. The region’s centuries-long isolation is the reason for the conservation of its rare scents and flavors unique in all the Mediterranean. Tra gli artisti che si sono esibiti nelle passate edizioni di Narcao Blues: La settima edizione dell’apprezzatissimo festival internazionale di ecologia, si svolgerà non più a inizio settembre, ma il 28, 29 e 30 agosto 2020. Compila il form qui sotto: Regione dell'evento* During their stay the choirs had the opportunity to visit the magnificent territory of Sulcis, full of history, cities of art, awe-inspiring nature and mines. Pariglias at 2013 Olive Festival in Villamassargia, a village in southwest Sardinia(Italy, Sardinia.High Speed Pariglias. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The Rally Terra Sarda is also known as Rally d’Ogliastra as it takes place in the province of Ogliastra (east coast of Sardinia) usually in the nearby villages of Lanusei, Tortolì, Urzulei, Bari Sardo and more. Utilizzando questo modulo accetti le condizioni di conservazioni dei dati come indicato nella Privacy Policy del sito. Do not forget to take your serigraphed glass with its little bag. The hospitality of the Sardinian people is never praised enough, the administrators are always sensible and ready to cooperate and it is to each of them that I express my most sincere gratitude for welcoming my choral proposition so enthusiastically, Great success for the Festival Internazionale Corale al Sole della Sardegna (edition 2016). Di seguito vi proponiamo la lista dei festival che si terranno ad agosto in Italia. Servizio di Stefano Altea. Apr 25th, 2016. Here the already fixed calendar for the edition 2021:
I campi obbligatori sono contrassegnati *. In principio fu. ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE SPORTIVA NURAGHE - Via P. Amedeo 81 - 07024 La Maddalena (OT) - P.I. Not to be missed the parades of masks and costumes typical of Sardinia. Copyright © 2000-2020 Dreamstime. Berchidda (located in the province of Sassari) and the neighbouring villages are hosting the most important Jazz music event in Sardinia and one of the most important in Italy. February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |, Copyright 2020 - carrentalinsardinia.com | Contact us | Privacy policy. Let’s look at the main Sardinian events for 2020 divided by month so it’s easier for you readers to choose which event to attend and when. Oggi il Red Valley Festival è una delle manifestazioni più interessanti dell’intero panorama nazionale in una delle location più suggestive e particolari in Sardegna, cornice perfetta per un Ferragosto da sogno. (*) I dati con l'asterisco sono obbligatori. In this current global situation signed by the uncertainties for the future caused by Covid 19,
Sign in Sign up for FREE Prices and download plans Optimism in the recovery, not only economic, but in terms of all the activities that make everyone’s life and the strong desire of each of us to return to fully enjoy our interests, such as choral music, encourages us to hope and keep planning the next festival editions, We are confident that everything will return to (mostly) normal soon and that the next edition of the Festival will resume (mostly) regularly as we planned. “Il Redentore” is a traditional festival (with religious and folklore events) held in Nuoro during the last Sunday in August. Hazard on horseback. Todays festival - 23- 24 agosto 2019; Bay Fest - Dal 12 al 14 agosto 2019 a Igea Marina; Ferrara Buskers Festival - dal 23 agosto al … The success of the Festival is due of their brilliance and confirm our enthusiasm and desire to continue..… hoping that the bonds of friendship created during the concerts will bring future choral collaborations and exchanges. 12 Answers. New Year’s Eve in the Olbia harbour with the show of the popular Italian singer Elisa. A wild horse ride made in honour of Saint Constantine (with 100 knights), which takes place every year on July 6 and is repeated on the morning of July 7 (. Both historic and new car models may participate. The foreign choirs appreciated in particular the rich and absolutely original repertory presented by the local choirs, discovering the peculiarities of expression, techniques (unknown in other areas) and instruments (such as launeddas and diatonic accordions). Non fartelo raccontare, riservati un posto in prima fila per il Festival più incredibile della Sardegna, fidati. Jazz, flamenco e musica sarda dal 16 Agosto al 13 Settembre 2020 >>> infoblues@narcaoblues.it, Foto dalla pagina ufficiale Facebook di Narcao Blues >>>, ALTRI FESTIVAL DI MUSICA IN AGOSTO-SETTEMBRE IN SARDEGNA 26-29 Agosto 2020. – PIVA 01550940918, In principio fu un’idea, un progetto, un’ambizione. Miss Terme Colà del Garda . The Best Beaches For Kids And Families In Sardinia, How to get to Cala Luna in Sardinia – directions, Bosa in Sardinia: things to do and places to visit. selezioni musicali per interpreti e inediti. In principio fu tra i migliori festival EDM mai organizzati in Sardegna. Lv 5. Sant’Antioco is the patron saint of Sardinia (dates to be confirmed). The feast of “Sant Miquel” is celebrated each year during the last weekend of September with a 12-day festival in honour of St. Michael the patron saint of the city. You will find a comfortable weather every time of the year in this corner of the island, as well as the beauty of the most renowned sea in the Mediterranean. Time in Jazz: appuntamento in Sardegna ad agosto! Gli artisti più richiesti, le classifiche, i trend del momento.La line up del Red Valley Festival tiene conto di cosa ti piace, di cosa cerchi, di cosa può davvero illuminare le tue notti di mezza estate. Not to mention the superb nature, the beautiful sea, the cities, the mines…! Sant’Antioco is the patron saint of Sardinia (dates to be confirmed). The festival is held for the most part in South-Western Sardinia and in the islands of San Antioco and San Pietro, where sea and land, frozen in time and history, are yet untouched by progress and mass tourism. The choirs had the chance to enjoy the richness and variety of Sardinian culinary tradition fruit of the meeting of land and sea. More on this event on the dedicated page of our blog: The fishing of the sea urchin (called “Bogamarì” in Catalan) and its festival is a long-awaited tradition not only by the Alghero inhabitants but also by tourists. Raid Pokémon Go Aprile 2020 ,
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>> Festival Internazionale della Sardegna Città di Uta 02 / 06 agosto - Uta (CA) Il Festival Internazionale della Sardegna Città di Uta vuole permettere incontri tra artisti, musicisti, cantanti, corali, insegnanti, direttori artistici, manager, mirati alla crescita artistica ed umana e a favorire lo scambio culturale tra i partecipanti Red Valley Festival è su Facebook e Instagram: seguici, condividi e commenta. These cookies do not store any personal information. Il palco, i giochi di luci, la musica, l’energia del pubblico renderanno la tua esperienza unica e indimenticabile. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Last but not least, the hospitality of Sardinian people: every concert ended with a party to make the choirs feel welcome and at home. “Candelieri” means Candle bearers: in this parade locals carry large candles representing the different Sassari districts they belong to. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Christmas and New Year’s Eve are not to be missed in Alghero: as usual the city will salute the new year with the amazing fireworks show that will take place in the harbour area. Prices and download plans . Festival Internazionale al Sole della Sardegna has just concluded successfully with great satisfaction of all the 38 participating choirs. First session: 1-4 September 2021
02487390904 Si parlerà di mare, ambiente, cultura, tradizioni con anche musica, arte, spettacoli ed escursioni. Tappa di La Maddalena - 02 agosto 2011. Answer Save. Not to be missed the fireworks show at night. Santa Lucia Festival 2020, ecco il programma completo: torna anche quest’anno il “Santa Lucia Festival“, il “Festival del mare” che si svolge presso il borgo di Santa Lucia, l’incantevole località turistica in territorio di Siniscola (nel nord est della Sardegna, ma ancora in provincia di Nuoro). Forest, Jonny Mars, Michael Coleman, Scott Henderson, John Primer, Popa Chubby, Canned Heat, Mick Taylor, Eric Sardinas, Robben Ford, John Mayall, Willy DeVille, The Neville Brothers, Eric Bibb, Peter Green, Larry Carlton, Nine Below Zero, Robert Randolph, e tanti altri. Pariglias showdown during the traditional Olive Festival in Villamassargia, a village in southwest Sardinia(Italy) the big island, QUARTU S.E., ITALY - September 15, 2012: Parade of the Wine Festival 2012 - Sardinia. Thank you, Sardinia! Favorite Answer. The inland is vast and wild, perfect for outdoor trips of any kind, from a simple stroll in the open air to more intense days-long hiking trips, and for discovering the island’s culture, traditions and millenary art. The choirs performed 15 concerts in as many townships of Sulcis (South Sardinia), getting to know the famous hospitality of the Sardinian people: the choirs felt welcomed by the warm embrace of the cities where the concerts have been held; such welcoming has been shown by the accurate setting of each concert, by their appropriate advertising and, at the end of the concert, by the always generous organisation of a moment of conviviality which allowed the invited choirs to savour tastes and smells of the gorgeous Sardinia once again. Dal 13 al 15 agosto il Piazzale delle Rocce Rosse si prepara ad ospitare un evento incredibile, ma ricordati, con Te, è tutta un’altra musica. selezioni per il concorso nazionale. La redazione valuterà l’evento e contatterà gli organizzatori che ci indicherai per la pubblicazione. QUARTU S.E., ITALY - SEPTEMBER 17, 2016: Parade of Sardinian costumes and carts for the grape festival in honor of the celebrations of, Sardinia.Pariglias. palco, i giochi di luci, la musica, l’energia del pubblico renderanno la tua esperienza unica e indimenticabile. (dates to be confirmed), Sant’Antioco – Province of South Sardinia. Moreover, the local astrophile amateur association organises stars gazing with telescopes at night. © 2020 • Sardegnainfopoint by SMS Smart Media Services. Ti fa scoprire eventi, cibo e territorio in tutta Italia. Il tuo indirizzo email non verrà pubblicato. The Sardinia Carnival 2020 in Macomer this year features “Carrasegare in Macumere” a parade of Sardinia’s traditional masks.
The Rally dei Nuraghi e del Vermentino will be held on the roads of Gallura on 4 and 5 April. Italy by Events - c.fis e P.IVA 11036580154 - tel.+39.02.70630403 - Note legali | Privacy, Eventi, cibo, esperienze per un indimenticabile viaggio in Italia, ALTRI FESTIVAL DI MUSICA IN AGOSTO-SETTEMBRE IN SARDEGNA, a Sant’Anna Arresi, nel Sulcis Iglesiente, dal, in 9 comuni del Nord della Sardegna, da Alghero a Castelsardo. This celebration used to mark the culmination of the summer season in Alghero; as of today it has become more a must see for visitors with its games, music and many events. Questo sito Web utilizza i cookie per migliorare la tua esperienza. Home » Sardegna » Eventi » Narcao Blues – Narcao. This is the 32nd edition of this jazz music festival: a lot of special guests are attending coordinated by the founder Paolo Fresu. ---AbruzzoBasilicataCalabriaCampaniaEmilia-RomagnaFriuli-Venezia GiuliaLazioLiguriaLombardiaMarcheMolisePiemontePugliaSardegnaSiciliaToscanaTrentino-Alto AdigeUmbriaValle d'AostaVeneto, Grazie per volerci segnalare un tuo "evento del cuore" da valutare per la pubblicazione.Non è previsto nessun compenso ma, se ci autorizzi, possiamo pubblicare il tuo nome di “segnalatore” come fonte di informazione dell’evento. Fans can follow the event on various high definition screens placed around the race village. GRANDI FESTIVALS ITALIANI . This is not only thanks to the participating choirs but also due to the gorgeous locations that have framed the concerts (Cave of S. Giovanni in Domusnovas, Temple of Antas in Fluminimaggiore, ancient Cathedral of Tratalias, Ex Centrale di Buggerru, Church of Carloforte, Church of Calasetta…). This website uses cookies to improve your experience. The popular singer-songwriter James Blunt will perform in Sardinia at the Forte Arena located in Pula (province of Cagliari) on July. Qui tutte le info. Narcao Blues è la manifestazione dedicata al Blues che attira a Narcao, piccolo comune della Sardegna meridionale in provincia di Carbonia-Iglesias, grandi artisti blues anche del panorama musicale internazionale. Il piazzale sul quale si svolge il Festival si trova a pochi metri dal mare circondato da una spettacolare cattedrale di rocce immerso nella natura incontaminata tipica dell’Ogliastra. Festival Internazionale al Sole della Sardegna has just concluded successfully with great satisfaction of all the 38 participating choirs. ALTRI FESTIVAL DI MUSICA IN AGOSTO-SETTEMBRE IN SARDEGNA – “ Ai confini tra Sardegna e Jazz ” a Sant’Anna Arresi, nel Sulcis Iglesiente, dal 31 Agosto al 6 Settembre 2020 >>> – “ Musica sulle Bocche “ in 9 comuni del Nord della Sardegna, da Alghero a Castelsardo. Festa di Sant’Antioco Martire The festival of Sant’Antioco (660th edition!) Narcao Blues è uno degli appuntamenti musicali estivi tradizionali della Sardegna, che negli anni è diventata una regione frequentata da appassionati di musica per la grande offerta di jazz, blues, soul e di concerti di artisti da tutto il mondo, anche in luoghi storici e naturali di grande fascino. Santa Lucia Festival 2020, ecco il programma completo : torna anche quest’anno il “ Santa Lucia Festival “, il “ Festival del mare ” che si svolge presso il borgo di Santa Lucia , l’incantevole località turistica in territorio di Siniscola (nel nord est della Sardegna , ma ancora in provincia di Nuoro ). Quest’anno il Festival giunge alla 6° edizione. – tra gli stranieri: Andy J. Eterogenei, differenti, unici, rischiosi, controversi: ecco come scegliamo i protagonisti del Red Valley Festival.La line up sorprende e affascina, suoni diversi che interpretano le stesse esigenze: divertirsi, ballare, saltare, gridare e alzare le mani al cielo.Noi sappiamo come farlo. But what about events, sport events and festivals? We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Associazione Culturale Progetto Evoluzione: This event is held each year in Alghero on the St Giovanni beach; it is a feast that celebrates the beginning of the summer, the friendship and brotherhood with its famous fires (called Focs in Catalan). is one of the most important events of the island that embodies tradition, folklore, faith, food and entertainment. Supponiamo che questo ti stia bene, ma puoi rifiutare, se lo desideri. All rights reserved. The popular American hard rock band will perform in Cagliari at the Fabrik venue located in via Goffredo Mameli 216. The region’s centuries-long isolation is the reason for the conservation of its rare scents and flavors unique in all the Mediterranean. Tra gli artisti che si sono esibiti nelle passate edizioni di Narcao Blues: La settima edizione dell’apprezzatissimo festival internazionale di ecologia, si svolgerà non più a inizio settembre, ma il 28, 29 e 30 agosto 2020. Compila il form qui sotto: Regione dell'evento* During their stay the choirs had the opportunity to visit the magnificent territory of Sulcis, full of history, cities of art, awe-inspiring nature and mines. Pariglias at 2013 Olive Festival in Villamassargia, a village in southwest Sardinia(Italy, Sardinia.High Speed Pariglias. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The Rally Terra Sarda is also known as Rally d’Ogliastra as it takes place in the province of Ogliastra (east coast of Sardinia) usually in the nearby villages of Lanusei, Tortolì, Urzulei, Bari Sardo and more. Utilizzando questo modulo accetti le condizioni di conservazioni dei dati come indicato nella Privacy Policy del sito. Do not forget to take your serigraphed glass with its little bag. The hospitality of the Sardinian people is never praised enough, the administrators are always sensible and ready to cooperate and it is to each of them that I express my most sincere gratitude for welcoming my choral proposition so enthusiastically, Great success for the Festival Internazionale Corale al Sole della Sardegna (edition 2016). Di seguito vi proponiamo la lista dei festival che si terranno ad agosto in Italia. Servizio di Stefano Altea. Apr 25th, 2016. Here the already fixed calendar for the edition 2021:
I campi obbligatori sono contrassegnati *. In principio fu. ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE SPORTIVA NURAGHE - Via P. Amedeo 81 - 07024 La Maddalena (OT) - P.I. Not to be missed the parades of masks and costumes typical of Sardinia. Copyright © 2000-2020 Dreamstime. Berchidda (located in the province of Sassari) and the neighbouring villages are hosting the most important Jazz music event in Sardinia and one of the most important in Italy. February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |, Copyright 2020 - carrentalinsardinia.com | Contact us | Privacy policy. Let’s look at the main Sardinian events for 2020 divided by month so it’s easier for you readers to choose which event to attend and when. Oggi il Red Valley Festival è una delle manifestazioni più interessanti dell’intero panorama nazionale in una delle location più suggestive e particolari in Sardegna, cornice perfetta per un Ferragosto da sogno. (*) I dati con l'asterisco sono obbligatori. In this current global situation signed by the uncertainties for the future caused by Covid 19,
Sign in Sign up for FREE Prices and download plans Optimism in the recovery, not only economic, but in terms of all the activities that make everyone’s life and the strong desire of each of us to return to fully enjoy our interests, such as choral music, encourages us to hope and keep planning the next festival editions, We are confident that everything will return to (mostly) normal soon and that the next edition of the Festival will resume (mostly) regularly as we planned. “Il Redentore” is a traditional festival (with religious and folklore events) held in Nuoro during the last Sunday in August. Hazard on horseback. Todays festival - 23- 24 agosto 2019; Bay Fest - Dal 12 al 14 agosto 2019 a Igea Marina; Ferrara Buskers Festival - dal 23 agosto al … The success of the Festival is due of their brilliance and confirm our enthusiasm and desire to continue..… hoping that the bonds of friendship created during the concerts will bring future choral collaborations and exchanges. 12 Answers. New Year’s Eve in the Olbia harbour with the show of the popular Italian singer Elisa. A wild horse ride made in honour of Saint Constantine (with 100 knights), which takes place every year on July 6 and is repeated on the morning of July 7 (. Both historic and new car models may participate. The foreign choirs appreciated in particular the rich and absolutely original repertory presented by the local choirs, discovering the peculiarities of expression, techniques (unknown in other areas) and instruments (such as launeddas and diatonic accordions). Non fartelo raccontare, riservati un posto in prima fila per il Festival più incredibile della Sardegna, fidati. Jazz, flamenco e musica sarda dal 16 Agosto al 13 Settembre 2020 >>> infoblues@narcaoblues.it, Foto dalla pagina ufficiale Facebook di Narcao Blues >>>, ALTRI FESTIVAL DI MUSICA IN AGOSTO-SETTEMBRE IN SARDEGNA 26-29 Agosto 2020. – PIVA 01550940918, In principio fu un’idea, un progetto, un’ambizione. Miss Terme Colà del Garda . The Best Beaches For Kids And Families In Sardinia, How to get to Cala Luna in Sardinia – directions, Bosa in Sardinia: things to do and places to visit. selezioni musicali per interpreti e inediti. In principio fu tra i migliori festival EDM mai organizzati in Sardegna. Lv 5. Sant’Antioco is the patron saint of Sardinia (dates to be confirmed). The feast of “Sant Miquel” is celebrated each year during the last weekend of September with a 12-day festival in honour of St. Michael the patron saint of the city. You will find a comfortable weather every time of the year in this corner of the island, as well as the beauty of the most renowned sea in the Mediterranean. Time in Jazz: appuntamento in Sardegna ad agosto! Gli artisti più richiesti, le classifiche, i trend del momento.La line up del Red Valley Festival tiene conto di cosa ti piace, di cosa cerchi, di cosa può davvero illuminare le tue notti di mezza estate. Not to mention the superb nature, the beautiful sea, the cities, the mines…! Sant’Antioco is the patron saint of Sardinia (dates to be confirmed). The festival is held for the most part in South-Western Sardinia and in the islands of San Antioco and San Pietro, where sea and land, frozen in time and history, are yet untouched by progress and mass tourism. The choirs had the chance to enjoy the richness and variety of Sardinian culinary tradition fruit of the meeting of land and sea. More on this event on the dedicated page of our blog: The fishing of the sea urchin (called “Bogamarì” in Catalan) and its festival is a long-awaited tradition not only by the Alghero inhabitants but also by tourists. Raid Pokémon Go Aprile 2020 ,
Cori San Lorenzo ,
Tutore Walker Per Frattura V Metatarso ,
Arcidiocesi Di Monaco Principato ,
Arena Di Verona Curiosità ,
Mito Greco Cinghiale ,
" />
The Rally Internazionale Costa Smeralda Storico (International Historic Costa Smeralda Rally) is an automotive event attended by the drivers and cars that have made the history of the rallies. Narcao Blues Festival 2020: torna anche quest’anno nel cuore del Sulcis più profondo il festival blues più amato e interessante della Sardegna, il “Narcao Blues Festival“, che si svolgerà dal 26 al 29 agosto 2020. Forte Arena, Strada Statale 195 Sulcitana, Pula (Cagliari). Santa Lucia Festival 2020: Ecco il programma completo del 28, 29 e 30 agosto! per il circuito nazionale dei. QUARTU S.E., ITALY - SEPTEMBER 21, 2014: Parade of Sardinian costumes and carts for the grape festival in honor of the, Traditions of Sardinia. This is especially merit of the cities and towns that can be considered literal milestones for the development of the festival: Domusnovas, first enthusiastic promoter, with its superb Cavern of San Giovanni, acoustically a natural cathedral, Tratalias and its majestic old cathedral, Carloforte with its islanders’ hospitality, Fluminimaggiore and its mystical Temple of Antas, blue and white Calasetta, a typical sailormen town, Henry Gallery in Buggerru and its cliffs, and still Teulada, S.Anna Arresi, Giba, Iglesias, Carbonia etc
This is the 12 edition of the popular Sardinian craft beer festival held in Alghero. Second session: 8-12 September 2021
A popular event where 32 Sardinian villages (among them Bitti, Oliena, Dorgali, Fonni) open their doors to tourists who want to explore the history, the culture and the most authentic traditions of the island. For more informations: Covid, un 75enne di Perfugas: «Io, malato di leucemia sempre assistito e curato», Anche a Sassari caccia alle sneakers Lidl, Villanova prova a rialzarsi e festeggia una centenaria, In via Napoli è uno slalom tra feci di cani e buche. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Confident that this difficult moment will soon end and that we can soon return to normal conditions that also allow the resumption of our choral activity, we send you all the best and hope to see you at 2021 edition! Jazz, flamenco e musica sarda. Il Red Valley Festival prende vita tra le suggestive Rocce Rosse di Arbatax, in una location unica nel suo genere. Many picturesque villages are easy to reach and visit, as well as the mysterious Nuraghi. Su Italy by Events trovi la grande bellezza italiana. Musica d’avanguardia e tradizioni sarde >>>. We hoped until the end that the "miracle" could happen but unfortunately, even in the absence of an official position taken by the Italian Authorities regarding choral concerts, we must recognize that it has become objectively impossible to keep up our concerts. Il festival si terrà nel mese di agosto. Folklore, musica, attività per bambini, sagre, buon cibo, itinerari nella natura, arte e molto di più. Il grande ospite del Red Vallley Festival quest’anno sei tu. grazie!! In principio fu tra i migliori, mai organizzati in Sardegna. 9 years ago. Nothing compares to Sardinia when it comes to amazing landscapes and breath-taking sea view. 27 Maggio 2020. The Shardana Rally is a national automotive event attended by many people; it takes place in the villages of the Gallura region like Aggius, Aglientu, Santa Teresa di Gallura, Tempio Pausania, Trinità D’Agultu. Tra grandi artisti e tante iniziative artistiche e culturali da non perdere, per portare un messaggio di ottimismo e di bellezza . Jazz, flamenco e musica sarda dal 16 Agosto al 13 Settembre 2020 >>> Festival Internazionale della Sardegna Città di Uta 02 / 06 agosto - Uta (CA) Il Festival Internazionale della Sardegna Città di Uta vuole permettere incontri tra artisti, musicisti, cantanti, corali, insegnanti, direttori artistici, manager, mirati alla crescita artistica ed umana e a favorire lo scambio culturale tra i partecipanti Red Valley Festival è su Facebook e Instagram: seguici, condividi e commenta. These cookies do not store any personal information. Il palco, i giochi di luci, la musica, l’energia del pubblico renderanno la tua esperienza unica e indimenticabile. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Last but not least, the hospitality of Sardinian people: every concert ended with a party to make the choirs feel welcome and at home. “Candelieri” means Candle bearers: in this parade locals carry large candles representing the different Sassari districts they belong to. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Christmas and New Year’s Eve are not to be missed in Alghero: as usual the city will salute the new year with the amazing fireworks show that will take place in the harbour area. Prices and download plans . Festival Internazionale al Sole della Sardegna has just concluded successfully with great satisfaction of all the 38 participating choirs. First session: 1-4 September 2021
02487390904 Si parlerà di mare, ambiente, cultura, tradizioni con anche musica, arte, spettacoli ed escursioni. Tappa di La Maddalena - 02 agosto 2011. Answer Save. Not to be missed the fireworks show at night. Santa Lucia Festival 2020, ecco il programma completo: torna anche quest’anno il “Santa Lucia Festival“, il “Festival del mare” che si svolge presso il borgo di Santa Lucia, l’incantevole località turistica in territorio di Siniscola (nel nord est della Sardegna, ma ancora in provincia di Nuoro). Forest, Jonny Mars, Michael Coleman, Scott Henderson, John Primer, Popa Chubby, Canned Heat, Mick Taylor, Eric Sardinas, Robben Ford, John Mayall, Willy DeVille, The Neville Brothers, Eric Bibb, Peter Green, Larry Carlton, Nine Below Zero, Robert Randolph, e tanti altri. Pariglias showdown during the traditional Olive Festival in Villamassargia, a village in southwest Sardinia(Italy) the big island, QUARTU S.E., ITALY - September 15, 2012: Parade of the Wine Festival 2012 - Sardinia. Thank you, Sardinia! Favorite Answer. The inland is vast and wild, perfect for outdoor trips of any kind, from a simple stroll in the open air to more intense days-long hiking trips, and for discovering the island’s culture, traditions and millenary art. The choirs performed 15 concerts in as many townships of Sulcis (South Sardinia), getting to know the famous hospitality of the Sardinian people: the choirs felt welcomed by the warm embrace of the cities where the concerts have been held; such welcoming has been shown by the accurate setting of each concert, by their appropriate advertising and, at the end of the concert, by the always generous organisation of a moment of conviviality which allowed the invited choirs to savour tastes and smells of the gorgeous Sardinia once again. Dal 13 al 15 agosto il Piazzale delle Rocce Rosse si prepara ad ospitare un evento incredibile, ma ricordati, con Te, è tutta un’altra musica. selezioni per il concorso nazionale. La redazione valuterà l’evento e contatterà gli organizzatori che ci indicherai per la pubblicazione. QUARTU S.E., ITALY - SEPTEMBER 17, 2016: Parade of Sardinian costumes and carts for the grape festival in honor of the celebrations of, Sardinia.Pariglias. palco, i giochi di luci, la musica, l’energia del pubblico renderanno la tua esperienza unica e indimenticabile. (dates to be confirmed), Sant’Antioco – Province of South Sardinia. Moreover, the local astrophile amateur association organises stars gazing with telescopes at night. © 2020 • Sardegnainfopoint by SMS Smart Media Services. Ti fa scoprire eventi, cibo e territorio in tutta Italia. Il tuo indirizzo email non verrà pubblicato. The Sardinia Carnival 2020 in Macomer this year features “Carrasegare in Macumere” a parade of Sardinia’s traditional masks.
The Rally dei Nuraghi e del Vermentino will be held on the roads of Gallura on 4 and 5 April. Italy by Events - c.fis e P.IVA 11036580154 - tel.+39.02.70630403 - Note legali | Privacy, Eventi, cibo, esperienze per un indimenticabile viaggio in Italia, ALTRI FESTIVAL DI MUSICA IN AGOSTO-SETTEMBRE IN SARDEGNA, a Sant’Anna Arresi, nel Sulcis Iglesiente, dal, in 9 comuni del Nord della Sardegna, da Alghero a Castelsardo. This celebration used to mark the culmination of the summer season in Alghero; as of today it has become more a must see for visitors with its games, music and many events. Questo sito Web utilizza i cookie per migliorare la tua esperienza. Home » Sardegna » Eventi » Narcao Blues – Narcao. This is the 32nd edition of this jazz music festival: a lot of special guests are attending coordinated by the founder Paolo Fresu. ---AbruzzoBasilicataCalabriaCampaniaEmilia-RomagnaFriuli-Venezia GiuliaLazioLiguriaLombardiaMarcheMolisePiemontePugliaSardegnaSiciliaToscanaTrentino-Alto AdigeUmbriaValle d'AostaVeneto, Grazie per volerci segnalare un tuo "evento del cuore" da valutare per la pubblicazione.Non è previsto nessun compenso ma, se ci autorizzi, possiamo pubblicare il tuo nome di “segnalatore” come fonte di informazione dell’evento. Fans can follow the event on various high definition screens placed around the race village. GRANDI FESTIVALS ITALIANI . This is not only thanks to the participating choirs but also due to the gorgeous locations that have framed the concerts (Cave of S. Giovanni in Domusnovas, Temple of Antas in Fluminimaggiore, ancient Cathedral of Tratalias, Ex Centrale di Buggerru, Church of Carloforte, Church of Calasetta…). This website uses cookies to improve your experience. The popular singer-songwriter James Blunt will perform in Sardinia at the Forte Arena located in Pula (province of Cagliari) on July. Qui tutte le info. Narcao Blues è la manifestazione dedicata al Blues che attira a Narcao, piccolo comune della Sardegna meridionale in provincia di Carbonia-Iglesias, grandi artisti blues anche del panorama musicale internazionale. Il piazzale sul quale si svolge il Festival si trova a pochi metri dal mare circondato da una spettacolare cattedrale di rocce immerso nella natura incontaminata tipica dell’Ogliastra. Festival Internazionale al Sole della Sardegna has just concluded successfully with great satisfaction of all the 38 participating choirs. ALTRI FESTIVAL DI MUSICA IN AGOSTO-SETTEMBRE IN SARDEGNA – “ Ai confini tra Sardegna e Jazz ” a Sant’Anna Arresi, nel Sulcis Iglesiente, dal 31 Agosto al 6 Settembre 2020 >>> – “ Musica sulle Bocche “ in 9 comuni del Nord della Sardegna, da Alghero a Castelsardo. Festa di Sant’Antioco Martire The festival of Sant’Antioco (660th edition!) Narcao Blues è uno degli appuntamenti musicali estivi tradizionali della Sardegna, che negli anni è diventata una regione frequentata da appassionati di musica per la grande offerta di jazz, blues, soul e di concerti di artisti da tutto il mondo, anche in luoghi storici e naturali di grande fascino. Santa Lucia Festival 2020, ecco il programma completo : torna anche quest’anno il “ Santa Lucia Festival “, il “ Festival del mare ” che si svolge presso il borgo di Santa Lucia , l’incantevole località turistica in territorio di Siniscola (nel nord est della Sardegna , ma ancora in provincia di Nuoro ). Quest’anno il Festival giunge alla 6° edizione. – tra gli stranieri: Andy J. Eterogenei, differenti, unici, rischiosi, controversi: ecco come scegliamo i protagonisti del Red Valley Festival.La line up sorprende e affascina, suoni diversi che interpretano le stesse esigenze: divertirsi, ballare, saltare, gridare e alzare le mani al cielo.Noi sappiamo come farlo. But what about events, sport events and festivals? We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Associazione Culturale Progetto Evoluzione: This event is held each year in Alghero on the St Giovanni beach; it is a feast that celebrates the beginning of the summer, the friendship and brotherhood with its famous fires (called Focs in Catalan). is one of the most important events of the island that embodies tradition, folklore, faith, food and entertainment. Supponiamo che questo ti stia bene, ma puoi rifiutare, se lo desideri. All rights reserved. The popular American hard rock band will perform in Cagliari at the Fabrik venue located in via Goffredo Mameli 216. The region’s centuries-long isolation is the reason for the conservation of its rare scents and flavors unique in all the Mediterranean. Tra gli artisti che si sono esibiti nelle passate edizioni di Narcao Blues: La settima edizione dell’apprezzatissimo festival internazionale di ecologia, si svolgerà non più a inizio settembre, ma il 28, 29 e 30 agosto 2020. Compila il form qui sotto: Regione dell'evento* During their stay the choirs had the opportunity to visit the magnificent territory of Sulcis, full of history, cities of art, awe-inspiring nature and mines. Pariglias at 2013 Olive Festival in Villamassargia, a village in southwest Sardinia(Italy, Sardinia.High Speed Pariglias. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The Rally Terra Sarda is also known as Rally d’Ogliastra as it takes place in the province of Ogliastra (east coast of Sardinia) usually in the nearby villages of Lanusei, Tortolì, Urzulei, Bari Sardo and more. Utilizzando questo modulo accetti le condizioni di conservazioni dei dati come indicato nella Privacy Policy del sito. Do not forget to take your serigraphed glass with its little bag. The hospitality of the Sardinian people is never praised enough, the administrators are always sensible and ready to cooperate and it is to each of them that I express my most sincere gratitude for welcoming my choral proposition so enthusiastically, Great success for the Festival Internazionale Corale al Sole della Sardegna (edition 2016). Di seguito vi proponiamo la lista dei festival che si terranno ad agosto in Italia. Servizio di Stefano Altea. Apr 25th, 2016. Here the already fixed calendar for the edition 2021:
I campi obbligatori sono contrassegnati *. In principio fu. ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE SPORTIVA NURAGHE - Via P. Amedeo 81 - 07024 La Maddalena (OT) - P.I. Not to be missed the parades of masks and costumes typical of Sardinia. Copyright © 2000-2020 Dreamstime. Berchidda (located in the province of Sassari) and the neighbouring villages are hosting the most important Jazz music event in Sardinia and one of the most important in Italy. February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |, Copyright 2020 - carrentalinsardinia.com | Contact us | Privacy policy. Let’s look at the main Sardinian events for 2020 divided by month so it’s easier for you readers to choose which event to attend and when. Oggi il Red Valley Festival è una delle manifestazioni più interessanti dell’intero panorama nazionale in una delle location più suggestive e particolari in Sardegna, cornice perfetta per un Ferragosto da sogno. (*) I dati con l'asterisco sono obbligatori. In this current global situation signed by the uncertainties for the future caused by Covid 19,
Sign in Sign up for FREE Prices and download plans Optimism in the recovery, not only economic, but in terms of all the activities that make everyone’s life and the strong desire of each of us to return to fully enjoy our interests, such as choral music, encourages us to hope and keep planning the next festival editions, We are confident that everything will return to (mostly) normal soon and that the next edition of the Festival will resume (mostly) regularly as we planned. “Il Redentore” is a traditional festival (with religious and folklore events) held in Nuoro during the last Sunday in August. Hazard on horseback. Todays festival - 23- 24 agosto 2019; Bay Fest - Dal 12 al 14 agosto 2019 a Igea Marina; Ferrara Buskers Festival - dal 23 agosto al … The success of the Festival is due of their brilliance and confirm our enthusiasm and desire to continue..… hoping that the bonds of friendship created during the concerts will bring future choral collaborations and exchanges. 12 Answers. New Year’s Eve in the Olbia harbour with the show of the popular Italian singer Elisa. A wild horse ride made in honour of Saint Constantine (with 100 knights), which takes place every year on July 6 and is repeated on the morning of July 7 (. Both historic and new car models may participate. The foreign choirs appreciated in particular the rich and absolutely original repertory presented by the local choirs, discovering the peculiarities of expression, techniques (unknown in other areas) and instruments (such as launeddas and diatonic accordions). Non fartelo raccontare, riservati un posto in prima fila per il Festival più incredibile della Sardegna, fidati. Jazz, flamenco e musica sarda dal 16 Agosto al 13 Settembre 2020 >>> infoblues@narcaoblues.it, Foto dalla pagina ufficiale Facebook di Narcao Blues >>>, ALTRI FESTIVAL DI MUSICA IN AGOSTO-SETTEMBRE IN SARDEGNA 26-29 Agosto 2020. – PIVA 01550940918, In principio fu un’idea, un progetto, un’ambizione. Miss Terme Colà del Garda . The Best Beaches For Kids And Families In Sardinia, How to get to Cala Luna in Sardinia – directions, Bosa in Sardinia: things to do and places to visit. selezioni musicali per interpreti e inediti. In principio fu tra i migliori festival EDM mai organizzati in Sardegna. Lv 5. Sant’Antioco is the patron saint of Sardinia (dates to be confirmed). The feast of “Sant Miquel” is celebrated each year during the last weekend of September with a 12-day festival in honour of St. Michael the patron saint of the city. You will find a comfortable weather every time of the year in this corner of the island, as well as the beauty of the most renowned sea in the Mediterranean. Time in Jazz: appuntamento in Sardegna ad agosto! Gli artisti più richiesti, le classifiche, i trend del momento.La line up del Red Valley Festival tiene conto di cosa ti piace, di cosa cerchi, di cosa può davvero illuminare le tue notti di mezza estate. Not to mention the superb nature, the beautiful sea, the cities, the mines…! Sant’Antioco is the patron saint of Sardinia (dates to be confirmed). The festival is held for the most part in South-Western Sardinia and in the islands of San Antioco and San Pietro, where sea and land, frozen in time and history, are yet untouched by progress and mass tourism. The choirs had the chance to enjoy the richness and variety of Sardinian culinary tradition fruit of the meeting of land and sea. More on this event on the dedicated page of our blog: The fishing of the sea urchin (called “Bogamarì” in Catalan) and its festival is a long-awaited tradition not only by the Alghero inhabitants but also by tourists.
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