[4], Maria Antonia formally renounced her rights to Habsburg domains, and on 19 April she was married by proxy to the Dauphin of France at the Augustinian Church in Vienna, with her brother Archduke Ferdinand standing in for the Dauphin. She was under constant surveillance, with no privacy. She counted most on the support of her Austrian family. Mirabeau sincerely wanted to reconcile the queen with the people, and she was happy to see him restoring much of the king's powers, such as his authority over foreign policy, and the right to declare war. Ninety minutes later, the palace was invaded by the mob, who massacred the Swiss Guards. Like Lafayette, Mirabeau was a liberal aristocrat. As early as 1774, Marie Antoinette had begun to befriend some of her male admirers, such as the baron de Besenval, the duc de Coigny, and Count Valentin Esterházy,[41][42] and also formed deep friendships with various ladies at court. [11] The couple surrounded themselves with modern thinkers and various politicians. Braccati e spaventati, il re e la regina si rifugiano nel palazzo abbandonato delle Tuileries. Muoiono 913 persone, tra cui 276 bambini. On the urging of the queen, Louis XVI dismissed Calonne on 8 April 1787. [10] At the age of 10 she could not write correctly in German or in any language commonly used at court, such as French or Italian,[4] and conversations with her were stilted. [221], In 2020, a silk shoe that belonged to her will be sold in an auction in the Palace of Versailles starting $11.800. [58] Marie Antoinette pleaded with her husband for the French to intercede on behalf of Austria. Frattanto, la situazione finanziaria dello stato si fa sempre più grave. Nella disgrazia, Luigi XVI e Maria Antonietta si riavvicinano. Their common desire to destroy the ambitions of Prussia and Great Britain and to secure a definitive peace between their respective countries led them to seal their alliance with a marriage: on 7 February 1770, Louis XV formally requested the hand of Maria Antonia for his eldest surviving grandson and heir, Louis-Auguste, duc de Berry and Dauphin of France. Ottima conduttrice anche di La prova del cuoco, degnissima sostituta di A. Clerici che non essendosi... Leggi di più, Ciao Silvia in tanto complimenti per la professionalità e sensibilità io mi chiamo Rosaria vivo a Prato in Toscana ho sentito che sabato sarà dedicatao... Leggi di più, Gentile costa magna. Variations in her name range from "Antonia Fernanda" and "Antonietta Ferdinanda". A second daughter, her last child, Marie Sophie Hélène Béatrix, Madame Sophie, was born on 9 July 1786 and lived only eleven months until 19 June 1787. After many delays, the escape was ultimately attempted on 21 June 1791, but the entire family was arrested less than twenty-four hours later at Varennes and taken back to Paris within a week. Incautamente, mentre a Parigi infuria la rivolta, il duca di Bruswick, comandante delle truppe prussiane, minaccia l'invasione e la distruzione di Parigi nel caso in cui qualcuno attenti alla vita del re e della regina. [7][53][54] The child's paternity was contested in the libelles, as were all her children's. Papa Pio X pubblica la Lettera Enciclica Praestantia Scripturae Sacrae, sulla scomunica per coloro che contravvengono a quanto stabilito col decreto Lamentabili sane exitu e con l'enciclica Pascendi Dominici gregis. It inspired Mozart's Le Nozze di Figaro, which premiered in Vienna on 1 May 1786. Viene pubblicata la prima striscia a fumetti della fortunata serie di Calvin & Hobbes ideata dal disegnatore statunitense Bill Watterson. Furthermore, her execution was seen as a sign that the revolution had done its work. Ma deve inchinarsi alla ragione di stato, e sposare Maria Antonietta. ), who was adopted in 1790 along with her two older sisters when her parents, an usher and his wife in service of the king, had died. Nothing now can hurt me. There is no evidence to support the accusations. As time went on, these came to focus more and more on the Queen. Papa Bonifacio VIII emana la bolla papale Unam Sanctam, che gli storici considerano una delle più estreme dichiarazioni della superiorità spirituale del Papa. Initially banned by the king due to its negative portrayal of the nobility, the play was finally allowed to be publicly performed because of the queen's support and its overwhelming popularity at court, where secret readings of it had been given by Marie Antoinette. [207][208] Her last words are recorded as, "Pardonnez-moi, monsieur. On the advice of Mercy, Marie Antoinette opened secret negotiations with him and both agreed to meet privately at the château de Saint-Cloud on 3 July 1790, where the royal family was allowed to spend the summer, free of the radical elements who watched their every move in Paris. Until her removal from the Temple, Marie Antoinette spent hours trying to catch a glimpse of her son, who, within weeks, had been made to turn against her, accusing his mother of wrongdoing. Ma all'esterno il popolo di Parigi è in tumulto. Marie Antoinette feared that the death of her mother would jeopardize the Franco-Austrian alliance (as well as, ultimately, herself), but her brother, Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor, wrote to her that he had no intention of breaking the alliance. This last accusation drew an emotional response from Marie Antoinette, who refused to respond to this charge, instead of appealing to all mothers present in the room; their reaction comforted her since these women were not otherwise sympathetic to her. [Al fratello Giuseppe II] So che, specialmente in fatto di politica, ho pochissima influenza sul pensiero del re. La Società delle Nazioni attua le sanzioni economiche contro l'Italia in quanto paese aggressore dell'Etiopia. As soon as it opened on 5 May 1789, the fracture between the democratic Third Estate (consisting of bourgeois and radical aristocrats) and the conservative nobility of the Second Estate widened, and Marie Antoinette knew that her rival, the Duc d'Orléans, who had given money and bread to the people during the winter, would be acclaimed by the crowd, much to her detriment. ACCEDI / REGISTRATI. In Italy she was known as Maria Antonietta Ferdinanda. There were and still claims that the two were romantically involved,[80] but since most of their correspondence has been lost or destroyed, there is no conclusive evidence. Il tasso di mortalità in Italia: 1946-2007 =9,... Leggi di più, Biografieonline.it © 2003-2020 • La riproduzione dei testi è consentita citando la fonte secondo la Licenza Creative Commons The Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle ended the war. Marie Antoinette (/ ˌ æ n t w ə ˈ n ɛ t, ˌ ɒ̃ t-/, French: [maʁi ɑ̃twanɛt] (); born Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna; 2 November 1755 – 16 October 1793) was the last queen of France before the French Revolution.She was born an archduchess of Austria and was the penultimate child and youngest daughter of Empress Maria Theresa and Emperor Francis I. Storia e vita di di Maria Antonietta d'Asburgo-Lorena, regina di Francia dal 1774 al 1791. Pardon, Monsieur. Empress Maria Theresa died on 29 November 1780 in Vienna. The continued poor financial climate of the country resulted in the 25 May dissolution of the Assembly of Notables because of its inability to function, and the lack of solutions was blamed on the queen. Ma è raro che veridicità e la politica dormano nello stesso letto, e là dove una figura è delineata con fini demagogici non si potrà aspettarsi molta giustizia dai facili servitori dell'opinione pubblica. [209] Her head was one of which Marie Tussaud was employed to make death masks. [33][34][35], On 24 May 1774, two weeks after the death of Louis XV, the king gifted his wife the Petit Trianon, a small château on the grounds of Versailles that had been built by Louis XV for his mistress, Madame de Pompadour. The Infanta's hand was also sought by the Electoral Prince of Saxony. On 11 July at Marie Antoinette's urging Necker was dismissed and replaced by Breteuil, the queen's choice to crush the Revolution with mercenary Swiss troops under the command of one of her favorites, Pierre Victor, baron de Besenval de Brünstatt. [163][164], On 17 July 1791, with the support of Barnave and his friends, Lafayette's Garde Nationale opened fire on the crowd that had assembled on the Champ de Mars to sign a petition demanding the deposition of the king. [125] Her role was decisive in urging the king to remain firm and not concede to popular demands for reforms. Louis XVI was executed by guillotine on 21 January 1793. It was proposed that the cost could be covered by other sales, such as that of the château Trompette in Bordeaux. [195] She and her lawyers were given less than one day to prepare her defense. The false accusations of the Affair of the Diamond Necklace damaged her reputation further. She was born in Seville during the signing of the Treaty of Seville which ended the Anglo-Spanish War. [141] She also played an important political, albeit not public, role between 1789 and 1791 when she had a complex set of relationships with several key actors of the early period of the French Revolution. [12] She also excelled at dancing, had "exquisite" poise, and loved dolls. Finally, the queen was able to obtain her brother's support against Great Britain in the American Revolution and she neutralized French hostility to his alliance with Russia. [76] This decision met with disapproval from the court as the duchess was considered to be of too modest a birth to occupy such an exalted position. Marie Clotilde and Maria Antonia Ferdinanda would become very close. George Bernard Shaw rifiuta di accettare il premio in denaro del suo Premio Nobel, pronunciando la frase: "Posso perdonare Alfred Nobel per aver inventato la dinamite, ma solo un demone con sembianze umane può aver inventato il Premio Nobel.". Thanks to Barnave, the royal couple was not brought to trial and was publicly exonerated of any crime in relation with the attempted escape. Politically engaged authors have deemed her the quintessential representative of class conflict, western aristocracy and absolutism. Thomas Paine advocated exile to America. Maria Antonietta riesce a fuggire attraverso un passaggio segreto, sottraendosi al linciaggio. La situazione sfocia in rivolta il 14 luglio 1789, quando il popolo di Parigi insorge contro la monarchia. The new Duc d'Orléans publicly protested the king's actions, and was subsequently exiled to his estate at Villers-Cotterêts. [91], On 27 April 1784, Beaumarchais's play The Marriage of Figaro premiered in Paris. She and her court also adopted the English fashion of dresses made of indienne (a material banned in France from 1686 until 1759 to protect local French woolen and silk industries), percale and muslin. It was also significantly smaller and less intricate than many other nobles'. [63] In 1780 she began to participate in amateur plays and musicals in a theatre built for her by Richard Mique at the Petit Trianon. [214] The people of France saw her death as a necessary step toward completing the revolution. Dopo otto anni di matrimonio, e quando Luigi si è finalmente sottoposto ad un'operazione chirurgica, Maria Antonietta rimane incinta. [93] This was unpopular, particularly with those factions of the nobility who disliked the queen, but also with a growing percentage of the population, who disapproved of a Queen of France independently owning a private residence. [166] Moreover, the view that the unpopular queen was controlling the king further degraded the royal couple's standing with the people, which the Jacobins successfully exploited after their return from Varennes to advance their radical agenda to abolish the monarchy. Rousseau ascribes these words to a "great princess", but the purported writing date precedes Marie Antoinette's arrival in France. If the secret expenses of the queen were taken into account, court expenses were much higher than the official estimate of 7% of the state budget. [6] The marriage between Infante Philip and Louise Élisabeth occurred in 1739 and eventually her older sister Infanta Maria Teresa Rafaela married the Dauphin in 1745. Al Loews Theater di New York viene proiettata l'anteprima mondiale del film "Ben-Hur", celebre kolossal di William Wyler con Charlton Heston. They described amorous encounters with a wide range of figures, from the Duchess de Polignac to Louis XV. The letter did not reach Élisabeth. Those on music, often dedicated to her, were the most read, though she also liked to read history. Viene consacrata la Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano. Instead he chose Maria Josepha of Saxony. "[49], Suggestions that Louis suffered from phimosis, which was relieved by circumcision, have been discredited. [81] In 2016, the Telegraph's Henry Samuel announced that researchers at France's Research Centre for the Conservation of Collections (CRCC), "using cutting-edge x-ray and different infrared scanners," had deciphered a letter from her that proved the affair. Meglio perire che essere salvati da Monsieur de Lafayette! [70], A second visit from Joseph II, which took place in July 1781 to reaffirm the Franco-Austrian alliance and also to see his sister, was tainted by false rumours[56] that Marie Antoinette was sending money to him from the French treasury. [171] In addition, at the insistence of his wife, Louis XVI vetoed several measures that would have further restricted his power, earning the royal couple the nicknames "Monsieur Veto" and "Madame Veto",[172][173] nicknames then prominently featured in different contexts, including La Carmagnole. On the other hand, those opposed to the alliance with Austria had a difficult relationship with Marie Antoinette, as did others who disliked her for more personal or petty reasons. Dumouriez sympathized with the royal couple and wanted to save them but he was rebuffed by the queen. On the one hand, the Dauphine was beautiful, personable, and well-liked by the common people. Marie Antoinette's position at court improved when, after eight years of marriage, she started having children. [193][194], Marie Antoinette was tried by the Revolutionary Tribunal on 14 October 1793. Emergency è una realtà che il mondo ci invidia (almeno questa). In an elaborate attempt known as the Flight to Varennes to reach the royalist stronghold of Montmédy, some members of the royal family were to pose as the servants of an imaginary "Mme de Korff", a wealthy Russian baroness, a role played by Louise-Élisabeth de Croÿ de Tourzel, governess of the royal children. At least 300,000 persons participated from all over France, including 18,000 national guards, with Talleyrand, bishop of Autun, celebrating a mass at the autel de la Patrie ("altar of the fatherland"). Lutto nazionale in Italia, nel giorno dei funerali di stato dei diciannove italiani morti in un attentato a Nassiriya in Iraq. [131][132] [223] Despite these measures, several of her guards were open to bribery and a line of communication was kept with the outside world. The Peace of Teschen, signed on 13 May 1779, ended the brief conflict, with the queen imposing French mediation at her mother's insistence and Austria's gaining a territory of at least 100,000 inhabitants—a strong retreat from the early French position which was hostile towards Austria. [199] At worst, she and her lawyers had expected life imprisonment. Storia [168][169], Marie Antoinette continued to hope that the military coalition of European kingdoms would succeed in crushing the Revolution. She sang during the family's evening gatherings, as she had a beautiful voice. (En une seule nuit ils étaient devenus blancs comme ceux d'une femme de soixante-dix ans. She still hoped her son Louis-Charles, whom the exiled Comte de Provence, Louis XVI's brother, had recognized as Louis XVI's successor, would one day rule France. [su Madame Du Barry], C'è molta gente, oggi, a Versailles. [133][136][137], The abolition of feudal privileges by the National Constituent Assembly on 4 August 1789 and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (La Déclaration des Droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen), drafted by Lafayette with the help of Thomas Jefferson and adopted on 26 August, paved the way to a Constitutional Monarchy (4 September 1791 – 21 September 1792). Maria Antonia spent her formative years between the Hofburg Palace and Schönbrunn, the imperial summer residence in Vienna,[4] where on 13 October 1762, when she was seven, she met Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, two months her junior and a child prodigy. [165], As her correspondence shows, while Barnave was taking great political risks in the belief that the queen was his political ally and had managed, despite her unpopularity, to secure a moderate majority ready to work with her, Marie Antoinette was not considered sincere in her cooperation with the moderate leaders of the French Revolution, which ultimately ended any chance to establish a moderate government. Marie Antoinette (/ˌæntwəˈnɛt, ˌɒ̃t-/,[1] French: [maʁi ɑ̃twanɛt] (listen); born Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna; 2 November 1755 – 16 October 1793) was the last queen of France before the French Revolution. [69] Her third pregnancy was affirmed in March 1781, and on 22 October she gave birth to Louis Joseph Xavier François, Dauphin of France. Se il popolo non l'ama, molti a corte la detestano, a causa dell'influenza che ha acquistato su Luigi XVI e del potere che gliene deriva. Maria Antonia non ha ancora 14 anni quando è promessa in sposa al nipote ed erede di Luigi XV. • She was Louis XV's mistress and had considerable political influence over him. Nel 1774, Luigi XV è colpito dal vaiolo. [Ultime parole prima di essere ghigliottinata, rivolte al boia, al quale aveva pestato un piede sul patibolo]. [5] Maria Antonia was raised together with her sister, Maria Carolina, who was three years older, and with whom she had a lifelong close relationship. [185][186], The queen, now called "Widow Capet", plunged into deep mourning. In questo modo, firma la condanna a morte della monarchia. Marie Antoinette's mother and the Austrian ambassador to France, comte de Mercy-Argenteau, who sent the Empress secret reports on Marie Antoinette's behavior, pressured Marie Antoinette to speak to Madame du Barry, which she grudgingly agreed to do on New Year's Day 1772. [94][95], On 27 March 1785, Marie Antoinette gave birth to a second son, Louis Charles, who bore the title of duc de Normandie. While imprisoned in the Tower of the Temple, Marie Antoinette, her children, and Élisabeth were insulted, some of the guards going as far as blowing smoke in the ex-queen's face. A constitutional priest was assigned to her to hear her final confession. She did participate in the King Council, the first queen to do this in over 175 years (since Marie de' Medici had been named Chef du Conseil du Roi, between 1614 and 1617), and she was making the major decisions behind the scene and in the Royal Council. Così, quando Maria Antonietta ordina la costruzione di un costosissimo villaggio con otto cottage e una fattoria nei suoi giardini privati al Trianon, il risentimento nei suoi confronti raggiunge l'acme, rendendola il capro espiatorio di tutti i problemi del paese. [190], On the night of 1 August, at 1:00 in the morning, Marie Antoinette was transferred from the Temple to an isolated cell in the Conciergerie as 'Prisoner n° 280'. Despite her attempts to remain out of the public eye, Marie Antoinette was falsely accused in the libelles of having an affair with Lafayette, whom she loathed,[145] and, as was published in Le Godmiché Royal ("The Royal Dildo"), and of having a sexual relationship with the English baroness Lady Sophie Farrell of Bournemouth, a well-known lesbian of the time. [citation needed], After Louis' execution, Marie Antoinette's fate became a central question of the National Convention. [204] She maintained her composure, despite the insults of the jeering crowd. Louis XVI allowed Marie Antoinette to renovate it to suit her own tastes; soon rumors circulated that she had plastered the walls with gold and diamonds. [4] She was baptised with the names María Antonia along with Fernanda in honour of her half brother, then the heir to the throne. [51] Eight months later, in April 1778, it was suspected that the queen was pregnant, which was officially announced on 16 May. Luigi, erede al trono di Francia, è cresciuto diffidando degli austriaci, come la maggior parte dei suoi connazionali, ed è tutt'altro soddisfatto della decisione che suo nonno ha preso per lui. [152] This leverage with the Assembly ended with the death of Mirabeau in April 1791, despite the attempt of several moderate leaders of the Revolution to contact the queen to establish some basis of cooperation with her. Her mother consented to the latter union but insisted on waiting for Maria Antonia Ferdinanda to reach a more mature age. She has been the subject of a number of books, films, and other media. The Portefeuille d’un talon rouge was one of the earliest, including the Queen and a variety of other nobles in a political statement decrying the immoral practices of the court. One of the most important was Necker, the Prime Minister of Finances (Premier ministre des finances). Luigi XVI è conscio che ogni resistenza è inutile e lascia il palazzo alla testa del misero corteo della sua famiglia e dei suoi ministri. When the affair was discovered, those involved (except de La Motte and Rétaux de Villette, who both managed to flee) were arrested, tried, convicted, and either imprisoned or exiled. His relationship with the king was more cordial. Lo sfarzoso stile di vita che Maria Antonietta vi conduce è molto lontano da quello del popolo francese. [117], The political situation in 1787 worsened when, at Marie Antoinette's urging, the Parlement was exiled to Troyes on 15 August. Unlike her husband, who had been taken to his execution in a carriage (carrosse), she had to sit in an open cart (charrette) for the hour it took to convey her from the Conciergerie via the rue Saint-Honoré thoroughfare to reach the guillotine erected in the Place de la Révolution (the present-day Place de la Concorde). This incident fortified her in her determination to leave Paris for personal and political reasons, not alone, but with her family. From marriage until her husband's accession she was styled as the Duchess of Savoy. His title was bestowed by his royalist supporters and acknowledged implicitly by his uncle's later adoption of the regnal name Louis XVIII rather than Louis XVII, upon the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy in 1814. Throughout her imprisonment and up to her execution, Marie Antoinette could count on the sympathy of conservative factions and social-religious groups which had turned against the Revolution, and also on wealthy individuals ready to bribe republican officials to facilitate her escape;[187] These plots all failed. Viene approvata la Costituzione dogmatica sulla divina Rivelazione, Dei Verbum, da parte del Concilio Ecumenico Vaticano II. One that was actually hers, to then have the authority to bequeath it to "whichever of my children I wish"; choosing the child she thought could use it rather than it going through patriarchal inheritance laws or whims. [22][23] She merely commented to her, "There are a lot of people at Versailles today", but it was enough for Madame du Barry, who was satisfied with this recognition, and the crisis passed. L'eroe nazionale svizzero Guglielmo Tell, secondo la leggenda medievale, colpisce con una freccia la mela tenuta da suo figlio sulla testa. Però, ci... Leggi di più, Buonasera sig. She blamed him for his support of the Revolution and did not regret his resignation in 1790.[143][144]. She was the youngest daughter of Empress Maria Theresa, ruler of the Habsburg Empire, and her husband Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor. Mentre i rivoltosi prendono d'assalto la Bastiglia, Maria Antonietta cerca invano di convincere il re che è arrivato il momento di usare la forza. Among the accusations, many previously published in the libelles, were: orchestrating orgies in Versailles, sending millions of livres of treasury money to Austria, planning the massacre of the gardes françaises (National Guards) in 1792,[196] declaring her son to be the new king of France, and incest, a charge made by her son Louis Charles, pressured into doing so by the radical Jacques Hébert who controlled him. supprimés ou omis par Courtois...", "The Many Bodies of Marie Antoinette: Political Pornography and the Problem of the Feminine in the French Revolution", "Celebrating Marie-Antoinette on her birthday", "Marie Antoinette's silk shoe goes up for sale in Versailles", Story of Marie Antoinette with Primary Sources, Marie Antoinette's official Versailles profile, Online catalog of Marie Antoinette's personal reading library, Celebrating Marie-Antoinette blog article, Isabella Clara Eugenia, Co-sovereign of the Habsburg Netherlands, Maria Christina, Princess of Transylvania, Maria Maddalena, Grand Duchess of Tuscany, Eleanor, Queen of Poland, Duchess of Lorraine, Maria Anna Josepha, Electoral Princess of the Palatinate, Maria Clementina, Hereditary Princess of Naples, Margaretha Klementine, Princess of Thurn and Taxis, Princess Karoline Marie of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Maria Henrietta, Princess of Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfürst, Elisabeth Marie, Princess of Windisch-Graetz, Margarita, Marchioness Taliani di Marchio, Catherine, Duchess of Mantua and Montferrat, Maria Carolina, Queen of Naples and Sicily, Auguste Ferdinande, Princess Luitpold of Bavaria, Maria Theresa, Archduchess Charles Stephen of Austria, Karoline Marie, Princess Leopold of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Maria Immaculata, Nobile Inigo Neri Sereneri, Agnes, Princess Karl Alfred of Liechtenstein, Princess Elizabeth Charlotte of the Palatinate, Archduchess Maria Theresa of Austria-Este, Prince Frederick, Duke of York and Albany, Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick, Frederick Louis, Prince of Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen, François Alexandre Frédéric, duc de la Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, comte de Mirabeau, Alexandre-Théodore-Victor, comte de Lameth, Louis Michel le Peletier de Saint-Fargeau, List of people associated with the French Revolution, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Marie_Antoinette&oldid=988839998, French people executed by guillotine during the French Revolution, People executed for treason against France, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from April 2011, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2015, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2016, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2016, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2020, Vague or ambiguous geographic scope from August 2016, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2015, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2019, Articles with Encyclopædia Britannica links, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CINII identifiers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.
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