At the same time a theft is discovered at one of the largest supermarkets in Vigata, which is known to be owned by the Cuffaro family, and the board of directors is headed by another politician, a certain Mongibello. Cecilia Isabell Andréasson, in arte Isabell Sollman, nasce nel 1972 a Stenungsund, in Svezia. Officer Catarella inspects the contents of Sanfilippo's computer and discovers that he documented his sexual exploits; Catarella also finds the draft of what appears to be an unfinished science fiction novel. Modifica consenso Thus both cases seem to be connected, and Montalbano eventually uncovers a drugs operation involving Adriano Lombardo and his mafia connections, with Liliana and Arturo caught in the middle. When a bomb goes off in front of an empty warehouse, the police think it is some sort of warning, and Montalbano turns his attention to the tenants of a nearby building. Privacy Policy Montalbano soon understands that this did not happen. Camastra witnessed the suicide of Barletta’s wife, who threw herself into the sea after discovering the affair between her husband and daughter. Tra lei e Montalbano si instaurerà un rapporto confidenziale e amichevole. A night watchman discovers Adelina's son, Pasquale, stealing from a villa. È così che divide le sue giornate tra carriera e vita personale. Che fine ha fatto l’attrice svedese Isabell Sollman, nota al pubblico italiano per aver interpretato il personaggio di Ingrid nel Commissario Montalbano. The scenario of the story is the world of underground races, the favourite pastime of a certain landed aristocracy that bets heavily. L’episodio La rete di protezione, diretto da Luca Zingaretti, dopo la morte di Alberto Sironi ha fatto arrabbiare molti dei fan del commissario più famoso della fiction italiana. Catarella is hopelessly committed to solving crossword puzzles and rebus and Montalbano reads a novel by Simenon when he is unexpectedly forced to play the Bruce Willis partin an American movie. A few days later Elena is found murdered in her shop, killed by a pair of her own dressmaking scissors. Montalbano is confronted by two passionate women; Michela Pardo who was morbidly attached to her brother and full of anger toward Elena Scalani, ex-lover of Pardo who had grown tired of the relationship. Ma c’è anche un piccolo mistero, con tanto di coda polemica. In a separate story, Agata Cosentino, an archivist and a friend of Livia's, is found dead, killed with a hammer, in the municipal archive of Vigata. Dr Osman, who helps out also as an interpreter for the immigrants, confesses to Montalbano that he was once Elena's lover. The enlargement of a photo sent by the kidnappers and the statement of a woman forced into prostitution to pay for the treatment of her disabled husband enable Montalbano to discover that the kidnapping was a hoax, planned by the girl herself and her uncle who had been in love with Susanna's mother. Montalbano investigates a brutal attack on a young woman, who manages to drive herself to the entrance to an apartment block, where her naked body is found wrapped in a blood-soaked towel. It turns out that the couples are acquaintances and part of a circle of friends who could all be potential victims. The man is subsequently arrested and he turns out to be Giovanni Strangio, the son of the President of the Province of Montelusa. Ingrid non ha un ruolo primario all’interno della fiction. In reality it is not a gunshot but the sound of the shutters beaten by the wind that wakes Montalbano. Vado a casa”, Giacomo Urtis, chi è il “chirurgo dei vip”, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Belèn Rodriguez partecipò a una festa a casa di Genovese: il racconto della conduttrice, Pompieri morti ad Alessandria, sgomento dei familiari dopo la sentenza: “Sfregio inutile”, Cassino, omicidio Gabriel Feroleto: condannata a 30 anni la madre, Caserta: porta la moglie in campagna e la uccide, poi chiama i carabinieri, Napoli, paziente sospetto Covid trovato morto nel bagno del Pronto Soccorso, La dedica di Luca Zingaretti al regista di Montalbano, Mara Venier e Carlo Conti, duro colpo in Rai: cambia il palinsesto, Diversi programmi televisivi nell'ultimo periodo hanno dovuto riorganizzarsi. Montalbano is curious to find out what it could have been. Eventually it comes to light that Colussi’s terrible act was blowing up some Allied soldiers in revenge for the rape of his girlfriend Anita. Montalbano realises that the target of the attack could be Stefano's son, Arturo Tallarita in retaliation for the rumours that his father has been collaborating with the police. The commissioner senses that there is a tragedy behind those films. After two or three clues the suspicion arises that the game hides something dangerous and crazy. Lisetta took refuge with Lillo to escape the abuse of her father (Lillo's uncle), who had been molesting her. Regarding the case of Loredana Di Marti, Montalbano suspects her friend Valeria of being the instigator of the crime, and finds a way to prove Valeria guilty through a daring bluff. The other thread of the story concerns Camastra, a tramp who becomes friendly with Montalbano and Livia. A disillusioned Montalbano, who got up early in the morning, witnessed the death of a seagull on the beach, noting that the agony resembles a dance. In the dream his funeral is taking place and that Catarella himself, who is usually entrusted with this funeral communication of the killed dead, is to be announced. Montalbano finds the case nags at him because there are other girls with the same tattoo on the shoulder, all from Eastern Europe, who have found work and help through the Catholic Association "Goodwill", which saved them from a fate of prostitution. Anna leaves a letter for Montalbano confessing that she also killed Franco. Complicating the investigation is the strange behavior of Mimì Augello, Montalbano's deputy, who has become grumpy and quarrelsome, who is embittering everyone's life in the Vigata police station. The second case concerns the complaint of an elderly farmer who has found his abandoned barn with a brand new locked door, which neither he nor the two Tunisian immigrants who work for him know anything about. The mafia is implicated in the Di Carlo case for another reason – his shop is hit with an arson attack. A suo favore l‘interpretazione di un personaggio straniero, ne giustifica l’accento e le permette di calarsi perfettamente nel ruolo. Il mistero della scomparsa di Ingrid nel Commissario Montalbano. Montalbano, discovering this, manages to obtain from the PM Tommaseo the search warrant for the house in Sinagra, where he arrests the man, after having found the evidence that frames him: the Manzella telescope. The commissioner mistakenly connects what is written in the diary to the killing of an old businessman, Angelino Todaro, whom he suspects of being the Comrade T mentioned by Colussi. Some of her letters were found in which the she reveals her jealousy to Angelo even if she had written these under his dictation with the intention of making his sister stop opposing his relationship with Elena. After the demolition of an old silo, a diary is found, written in the summer of 1943 by a young fascist, Carlo Colussi, in which he confesses that he has done something terrible. He discovers that Michela's lover was an antiques dealer from, In Pasture, an abandoned industrial site that serves as a dump and a hangout for sex workers, two dustmen find the semi-clothed body of the Sicilian politician Luparello in his car; he had apparently dead died from a heart attack that in compromising circumstances with a prostitute. È stata una scommessa che è riuscita a vincere in poco tempo. The father found the pair together and killed them, and Lillo in turn killed him, then placed the bodies of the two lovers in the cave with the dog and bowl of coins in accordance with the formula of an Arab folk legend of two doomed young lovers. In fact, Fazio should have accompanied his father to make some analyzes, but from the evening before, after receiving a phone call from Montalbano asking for his presence at the port, he no longer gave news of himself and his cell phone was turned off. Once the two brothers are hospitalized, inertia seems to have returned to the Vigata police station when news of a corpse found in a dumpster arrives. The judge cannot live with this fact and commits suicide by setting fire to his house. Ha infatti prestato il suo volto di attrice teatrale alla fiction. Scopriamo qualcosa in più sull’attrice che è entrata nel cuore del pubblico e nel cuore del famoso commissario! A man is found at the construction site of the new Vigata water pipeline shot in the back. A sixty-seven-year-old prostitute, who is happily married to a local waiter, and who plies her lifelong trade in a sedate apartment, is strangled, and Montalbano is forced to cut short his holiday in Genoa with Livia to return to Vigata. È così che Isabell Sollman ha conquistato l’appoggio del pubblico italiano. Si conosce poco sulla sua vita privata. A ruthless crime in a suburb of Vigata. Suspecting corruption in the high echelons of government, Montalbano makes copies of the film in case the prosecutor tries to cover up the murder, and he succeeds in exposing the highly corrupt mayor of Vigata as the ringleader of the group that committed both killings. A month previously, however, Barletta fell in love with a new girl, to whom he promised a large sum of money and a house, and on the day of the murder he was about to change his will in her favour. When Livia arrives at the funeral, Montalbano realizes that the death was not the victim's way of behaving. Montalbano is receiving invitations from all over for the New Year's Eve big dinner. It’s Montalbano’s birthday, and on his way to work he encounters a driver who nearly runs him off the road. Ha poi partecipato complessivamente a nove episodi. It turns out that Larussa had not actually fallen from a horse, but was paralysed after falling down stairs and his father concocted the story of falling from a horse to protect the younger son. There are inconsistencies in the account of the supermarket manager, Guido Nicotra, who is later found to have hanged himself, although the pathologist suspects it was actually murder. This time it is Catarella who announces the usual finding of a dead man to the commissioner. In fact Colussi is still alive, and after the war he became a priest and a missionary to atone for his guilt. After negotiating a series of red herrings and lies, he realizes that Nicotra’s death and the attack on Piscopo are connected through a group of six construction companies owned by mafia families who are colluding on public construction contracts. Chi siamo Back in the real world, Montalbano is faced with two cases to solve. Infatti, rispetto al romanzo di Camilleri, sono scomparsi la figura di Pasquano, interpretato dall’indimenticato Marcello Perracchio, morto nel 2017, e proprio Ingrid, l’amica svedese di Montalbano. As the case is sorted out, it becomes clear that the killer has carefully prepared a series of deceptions to trip up Montalbano, but in the end the commissioner gets at the truth. He tells the commissioner that he was born in Sicily and is actually called Giovanni Zuccotti. Montalbano questions Michela's husband and her closest friend, Anna, a local school teacher, who takes a fancy to Montalbano. Evento unico che non si ripeterà. But time is running out and Montalbano goes to the police station, where the owner of some Vigata fishing boats shows up in his office, telling him "to suspect" that two of his fishing boats are involved in drug trafficking. Meanwhile Montalbano comes to the rescue of his neighbour, Liliana Lombardo, whose car has been vandalised and he offers to give her a lift to work each morning while her car is being repaired. In a dream, Montalbano is about to marry Livia and finds out that Livia is cheating on him with Mimi, an old flame. Inspector Montalbano's men stage the arrest of the elderly Mafia boss Tanu 'u Greco, who has confided to Montalbano that he wished to take refuge in prison because he was repelled by the violent ways of the new, international Mafia that no longer adheres to the older codes of "the honoured society". Montalbano learns that the foreman's former co-worker was a young building contractor who, twenty years earlier, had been accused and convicted of the murder of his partner, with whose wife he was having an affair. There Montalbano discovers the tomb of two skeletons embracing each other. Thanks to a new search of the house, he finds part of a photo album, as well as a gun and a holographic will, whose sole beneficiary is the brother James; the car that was heard leaving Alberto's place is also traced to James. Livia wants Montalbano to get a new suit for a twenty-fifth wedding anniversary party and she sends him to the tailor and dressmaker Elena Biasini, a woman who also helps the police deal with the many migrants who are arriving each night by boat from North Africa. But once he arrived, he was surrounded and taken to Mount Scibetta by a group of people, who tried unsuccessfully to throw it into the well. The last time they had been seen was on a tour bus they had taken to visit the town of Tindari. Augello has become obsessed with the theory that the killing was the result of a bizarre erotic asphyxiation and his suspicion falls on thirty-something Mimmo Tavano, who is a client of the prostitute, and who also helps out at a centre for older people. Leggi anche –> Katharina Böhm: che fine ha fatto la prima ‘Livia’ di Montalbano – VIDEO, Se vuoi seguire tutte le nostre notizie in tempo reale CLICCA QUI. La donna infatti è inizialmente attratta dal commissario e nella famosa casa al mare si scambiano un bacio. The victim, Nenè Sanfilippo, did unspecified work at home via computer for which he was being well paid; he had two new cars and his apartment is filled with expensive electronic goods, as well as a large stash of what appear to be homemade pornographic videos. One of them is a member of the Sinagra clan and the other is Stefano Tallarita who is serving a sentence for drug dealing. Angelo Pardo a doctor was found shot in the forehead, with his trousers. Montalbano decides not to close the case, but investigates further. One of the dustmen alerts Rizzo, Lupparello's lawyer and best friend, who merely advises the men to call the police. With Livia and Orlando, the big dog of the Piccolomini, Montalbano goes to the island of Levanzo under the guise of a short break, but in actual fact, travels to speak to the sister of the Piccolomini who runs an inn there. The robberies continue and this time the victim is Angelica Cosulich, who has recently returned to Vigata to work at a local bank. In that letter Manzella reveals that he discovered, with his telescope, a traffic of weapons at the port, led by Franco Sinagra, who was also the partner, violent and very jealous, of the transsexual Giovanna, who he also frequented regularly. Montalbano and Fazio quickly identify him as Gerardo Nicotra, an accountant with the construction company working on the pipeline. Speaking, however, Catarella got distracted and Riina took advantage of it to shoot him a shot. Nella serie televisiva, interpreta una donna che mette in crisi il commissario, ma finisce per diventarne la migliore amica. The issue gets serious when two masked gunmen burst into class and shoot bullets into the ceiling. It is eventually revealed that the mysterious stranger is involved in the incident. Montalbano's friend, the elderly school principal Burgio, tells Montalbano that the cave and surrounding land belonged to the family of his school friend, Lillo Rizzitano. The holiday soon becomes the opportunity for further research. Their life together is portrayed as a joyous love. Diversi gli episodi in cui appare, l’ultimo nel 2017, quindi dell’attrice classe 1972 si perdono le tracce. His parents were killed in an accident and that is why he has never returned to Vigata until now. During the trip, they been stand-offish and had behaved strangely, requesting several stops on the return trip. Attualmente compare in 9 episodi, l’ultimo Come voleva la prassi del 2017. The old man is too cultured and refined to be a simple vagrant, and they discover that he was once a surgeon who resigned after the death of a patient. It turns out that he is a loan shark and what have been stolen are papers referring to his business dealings. It appeared that she simply abandoned Saverio and went with another man. Perché solo qualche anno prima Montalbano e la svedesona Ingrid Sjöström avevano dormito nello stesso letto. While the inquiry continues, the Commissioner is under pressure from all sides: from the bishop, who does not want shadows cast on Goodwill, the local Prosecutor who does not want to displease the bishop, and Livia, who wants to leave him in order to "find herself". This investigation is intertwined with the story of a retired judge who lives near Montalbano. Initially the investigation focuses on the girls the victim was blackmailing, but they all have unassailable alibis. The Commissioner can count on two women who worked with the accountant Gargano; the first is a student who had sensed that something was not right, the other is the secretary of the accountant and is convinced of the innocence of the accountant. Later Tavano is also found murdered, which obviates Augello’s theory. In nessun caso i contenuti di possono essere utilizzati per scopi commerciali. Dimostrandosi mamma presente e attrice di successo. During lunch, Augello's young son Salvo cannot be found; Montalbano searches for him and finds him in a tunnel in the garden, where he also discovers the corpse of a girl named Rina who disappeared six years earlier. Isabell Sollman esordisce in Italia recitando nella famosa fiction targata Rai, oggi diretta da Luca Zingaretti, Il Commissario Montalbano. It is not the body of a victim but of another doll identical to that found in the palace of the Palmisano brothers. Montalbano finds his decaying body in a bedroom where his lover put him after shooting him while he slept. One morning he is called to a beach where the body of a naked girl has been found, her face devastated by a bullet.A butterfly tattooed on the shoulder could aid identification. In the meantime, one of the men finds a valuable gold necklace. Now an elderly professor, Lillo returns to Vigata and reveals to Montalbano how, during World War II, his teenage cousin Lisetta had fallen in love with Mario, a young soldier from the North. Montalbano further determines that the murderer was the director of the archive, naked because of a homosexual encounter, which Agata accidentally witnessed. Later that night, an electrician, Ignazio Cucchiara, is found murdered in Vigata, and the case is handled by Mimì Augello, Montalbano's second-in-command. Contattata dopo qualche mese per un provino, debutta in Italia ufficialmente nel 2000, tra il cast de Il Commissario Montalbano. The commissioner goes on to discover that a murdered photographer connected to the murdered girl was hired to film her being gang-raped. The problem centres around the vicious bullying of a young computer nerd, Luigino. However, nothing seems to have been stolen so he can’t be charged and imprisoned.The mystery of what happened is only resolved when Montalbano discovers that the owner of the villa is having an affair with her brother-in-law, and when they were discovered by Pasquale, they paid him hush money to hide their actions. Then a second bomb goes off outside another empty warehouse. The story has unexpected consequences. List of Inspector Montalbano (TV series) episodes, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message,, Lists of Italian television series episodes, Articles needing cleanup from August 2017, Cleanup tagged articles with a reason field from August 2017, Wikipedia pages needing cleanup from August 2017, Articles lacking sources from August 2017, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing potentially dated statements from March 2020, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, The episode opens with Montalbano's discovery, in an abandoned villa, of the naked body of Michela Licalzi, a young woman who was married to a wealthy and complaisant older man. Before dying, Tanu has revealed the existence of a wartime arsenal hidden in a cave. The mafia put out a hit on Montalbano to stop him from investigating any further, and he only escapes being murdered because he once saved the life of one of the hitmen. Thus, an old case of suicide is reclassified as homicide. La dedica di Luca Zingaretti al regista di Montalbano ; i due episodi inediti, Dopo le numerose voci e piste che hanno portato al nome del padre di Loren, ora per la pri[...] >>, Alfonso Signorini ha svelato che dopo l'ultima puntata del GF Vip si è sfiorata la rissa [...] >>, Positiva al Coronavirus, Iva Zanicchi dopo un lungo ricovero è stata dimessa dall'ospedal[...] >>, Chi è e cosa faceva prima, nella vita, Giacomo Urtis, il noto "chirurgo dei vip"[...] >>, Diversi programmi televisivi nell'ultimo periodo hanno dovuto riorganizzarsi. But what? He shoots but never manages to kill. The convicted murderer had been released from prison a few weeks before. Montalbano faces two mysteries: (1) the disappearance of an antique dealer, Marcello Di Carlo, who may have risked revenge from the mafia by not paying adequate protection money; (2) a series of young women have been kidnapped but released unharmed an hour later. Just before Giovanna is arrested, she commits suicide with the same poison she used for her father. Inspector Montalbano is sought out by a distraught man who is unable to contact his retired elderly parents. Montalbano opens the shutters of his room one morning to find the bloody corpse of a horse on the shore. In the dilapidated building, in a forest of crucifixes of every workmanship illuminated by countless lights, Montalbano believes he has discovered a young woman killed but realizes that it is a worn out inflatable dollnow battered by prolonged use, without an eye and with a hole repaired at best. The commissioner and his colleagues draw up a list of possible future victims, but while they are guarding the house of one of them, shots are fired and the thieves escape.
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