Tag der Novene zum heiligen Erzengel Michael, Kurz und knapp über die Krise des Glaubens, 6. Der ehemalige Kölner Weihbischof war erst Anfang 2013 zum Bischof von Dresden-Meißen ernannt worden. Roger Buck: Episode 7 - Cultural Madness, Hilaire Belloc and the Catholic Mystery, Roger Buck: Episode 8 - Hilaire Belloc, the Anglosphere and Catholic Tradition, Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, RISU (Religious Information Service of Ukraine), Roger Buck's Blog, 'Cor Jesu Sacratissimum', Roman Catholic Man (Fr Richard Heilmann's blog), The Forge and the Anvil (Mr Hirsch's NEW blog), The Hirsch Files (Mr Hirsch's old blog, open by invitation only), My Disquisition on the Grail and Translations, Contraception and Chastity, by Elizabeth Anscombe. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Vatican Fake News Fiasco: Now a Third Omitted Paragraph from Benedict XVI’s Letter appears! The words of Jesus were opposed to the admission of remarried divorced persons to the Sacraments. The ‘Last Things’ According to Francis”, in which he quoted Francis’ favorite interviewer, the atheist Eugenio Scalfari, thus: Pope Francis has abolished the places where souls were supposed to go after death: hell, purgatory, heaven. Der Index enthält die folgenden fünf Realitäten: "Päpstliche Kommission zum Schutz von Minderjährigen", "Vatikanisches Geheimarchiv", "Vatikanische Apostolische Bibliothek", "Akademien" und "Dombauhütte der Petersbasilika". Tag der Novene zum heiligen Erzengel Michael. Saved by the Mass: Sohrab Ahmari’s From Fire by Water, The Penny Catechism -The Seventh Commandment. At the end of Ruiz Garcia's tenure, the priesthood of his diocese had overaged and with each priest there were four married deacons. This was confirmed again by the German bishops in 2012. Who does not pay, is excluded from the sacraments. On July 23, 2013, Francis Gustavo had appointed Oscar Zanchetta Bishop of Oran. and, for a long time, that of Freemasonry. At the top of the page, a detail from the mosaics in the basilica of Saint Mary Major, Rome, fifth century, depicting the heavenly Jerusalem. The Vatican has provided a full transcript and English translation of the talk, as well as the video footage: An interesting backstory to this speech was supposed to remain secret but has been revealed by Sandro Magister. From Fr Z's Blog Dear readers, I was informed today that a long-time reader and commentator here, with the handle “Supertradmum” has died. Im Index steht als Letztes das "Dicasterium für Päpstliche Almosen (Elemosineria Apostolica) -komplett mit einem Bezug zu Artikel 152 im Text. Some Synod Fathers Say Matter "Reserved For Univer... "Impediment That Can Be Dispensed By Holy See": Sy... 7 Out of 10 Amazon Synod Fathers Recommend to Pope... On the Eve of the Synod Vote: Fiat Voluntas Tua. Sandro Magister kommentiert auf seinem Blog Settimo Cielo das Memorandum des früheren päpstlichen Nuntius in den USA, Erzbischofs Viganò über die Vertuschung der Mißbrauchsfälle in der us-amerikanischen Kirche. Today the veteran Vatican journalist Sandro Magister published a bombshell on his blog, Settimo Cielo. Ergreifende Glaubenszeugnisse, Da Imperatrice a sguattera del secolo. It's a. form of the diaconate that was allowed by the Second Vatican Council to address the shortage of priests, but has also been criticized as a first step to lift the priest celibacy. Am Montag wurde bekannt, dass der ehemalige Nuntius in der Dominikanischen Republik sich vor dem Vatikangericht verantworten muss. But There Is Caution Over “Zero Tolerance” Second Day of the Summit. Marc" Comment on CWR. Zum Erzengelfest, die Lesungstexte haben es in sic... 9. Now the evidence is mounting, that the reason for it was a completely different one. Gedanken zum Forum Altötting 2019, Don Camillo und Peppone-Lesungen im März via K-TV, Die Kultur des Todes. Das wäre nicht weiter aufmerkenswert, wäre Fernández irgendein Erzbischof „vom anderen Ende der Welt“. Since today is All Souls' Day, I'm reposting this. As usual, Scalfari publishes a scandal "in the name of the Pope". In Deutschland nichts Neues, oder Rom und der Paps... 7. IN LUMINE FIDEI: 27 OCTOBER – TWENTIETH SUNDAY AFT... Liberty or Equality, Erik Maria Ritter von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, How to Think About the Planet: The Case For An Environmental Conservatism, Sir Roger Scruton, The Portable Conservative Reader, Dr Russell Kirk, Editor, The Conservative Mind, From Burke to Eliot, Dr Russell Kirk, Introduction to Philosophy, Msgr Paul J. Glenn. @englishtradcat @catho_lorrain The @catho_lorrain account has blocked me, so I can’t respond directly, but unless someone also accepts John XXIII and his apostate successors *as the rule of Faith*, that universal acceptance argument can’t be invoked. Das ist das erste Mal, dass der Vatikan gegen einen Bischof wegen sexuellen Missbrauchs in dieser Weise vorgeht. With the retirement of Ruiz Garcia the Vatican pulled emergency brake and forbade the consecration of other. ZU VIELE FEHLER", 2. With New Accusations Against Bergoglio, From His Argentina. Sandro Magister betätigt sich bei Settimo Cielo als Lektor zweier-wie er feststellt, besonders fehlerreicher-vom Vatican veröffentlichter Texte und beklagt die Nachlässigkeit und Schlampigkeit bei deren Formulierung. There, from 1959-2000 the reigning diocesan Bishop Samuel Ruiz tried stealthily doing away with priestly celibacy. In recent decades, moreover, bishops have repeatedly made the request to compensate for the decline in vocations to the celibate priesthood by resorting to the ordination of "married men of mature age and confirmed probity," here as well with the implication that they would continue their family life. He was silent on every Scalfari scandal produced in his name. Cob of Ecuador: "Viri Probati Respond to Very... Muller: Amazon Synod Focused on "Practical Aspects... Married Priests in Amazon a "Foregone Conclusion":... Instrumentum Laboris, Amazon Synod 2019, Married P... Pope Says Exception Possible But No Change to Lati... Our Lady, Queen of the Clergy, Pray For Us, Canonical Issues: Continence Dispensation, Ordain Married Permanent Deacons as Priests, Shane Schaetzel, "Truth About Married Priests" (Complete Christianity), Fr. Not safely dead. "Unbelievable, but true," wrote Vatican writer Sandro Magister at the time. ", Married to Therasia c. 381, then ordained priest c. 394 while married, and after wife died consecreated bishop c. 410, Son of a Deacon & Grandson of a Clergyman, Blessed Gomidas Keumurjian, Married Priest Martyr, Paragraph 111 of Final Synod Document (Full Text). Changes in 2020 – Plenary Indulgence Reminders for the First Full Week in November (November 1st–8th) Now Available Throughout the Month – (Enchiridion Indulgentiarum), A Prayer for the Intercession of Ignatius, Cardinal Kung Pin-mei, A Prayer for the Beatification of Marcel François Marie Joseph Lefebvre, Divinum Officium (Traditional Breviary & Mass, A Monarchist Reading List (YouTube Video), Monarchy vs Republic, by HIRH Otto v. Habsburg, The War for Christendom ~ Hapsburg Restoration Movement, Laughter and Humility (GK-CHESTERTON.ORG), The American Chesterton Society-YouTube Channel, Roger Buck: Episode 1 - Nectar in a Sieve, Roger Buck: Episode 2 - Counter Revolution and the Regeneration of the Church, Roger Buck: Episode 3 - Revolution and Counter Revolution, Roger Buck: Episode 4 - How the Sacred Heart Changed My Life Forever, Roger Buck: Episode 5 - Introduction to the New Age Menace. There is one party in Washington - The War Party, The truth about yellow vest movement in France, First Step, Name the Problem: 'Homosexual activity is immoral', The Return of Storytelling in a Digital Age, Le Salon Beige - blog quotidien d'actualité par des laïcs catholiques, En attendant la mise à jour de l'application, rendez-vous sur lesalonbeige.fr. Click on the image. This blog is dedicated to Benedict XVI, who has done the most to promote a married Latin rite priesthood. A new detail was revealed a few days ago. Where men are forbidden to honour a king they honour millionaires, athletes or film-stars instead: even famous prostitutes or gangsters. Celibacy: Is Pope Francis Going to Ordain Married Deacons to the Priesthood in Mexico? The Vatican is currently in the midst of a turbulent four-day summit on sexual abuse. Von der »Blogger« Software vorgegeben ist, dass Ihre E-Mail-Adresse, sofern Sie diese angeben, ebenfalls gespeichert wird. Stuhls anzeigt, das vierte aber nicht, das statt dessen der Sektion "Ämter" zugerechnet wird. Skojek's parents were heavily involved with Regnum Christi which in my o... By David Martin While a Trump victory on Tuesday seems probable, it is very improbable that the radical-left would take it sitting down.... By David Martin The hair-raising injustices of the 2020 presidential election must not go uncontested. Places Around World Mentioned in Context of Having... Perhaps Ordain Some Married Deacons as Married Pri... Tim Gordon (TnT): Married Priests "Less Extreme" T... Married Priesthood "Elevates" Domestic Church to a... Bishops "Recommend" & Pope Can "Enact": Economist. Kardinal Sarah sp... Kardinal Burke und Bischof Schneider begründen und... 5. Four years later, the bishop left his diocese in a shambles on August 1, 2017. Yet even if they desire equality, they cannot reach it. Für beide hat Settimo Cielo bereits die zur Diskussion stehenden Elemente hervorgehoben; Aber die Dokumente müssen noch einmal jedes einzeln überprüft werden, um ihre erstaunlich schludrige Komposition zu beleuchten. Memory Eternal! Marco Tosatti: Klartext u.a. Grant dispensations on a case by case basis if bishops ask, while maintaining celibacy as the 'norm' in the Latin rite. DIY als Weltanschauung - klares Nein zum Schöpfer, Gott liebt mich - und genau deshalb brauche ich keine tägliche Nabelschau. Roger Buck: Episode 6 - Of New Age Gnostics - and Galactic Lizards! Es ist eine Überraschung, daß der Text von einer Persönlichkeit wie dem Großkanzler des Johannes-Paul-II-Instituts, Erzbischof Vincenzo Paglia verfasst und abgezeichnet worden sein soll. 12, 2018, the Prefect of the Secretariat for Communications, “Mgr.”, Getting Michelangelo’s Last Judgment in line with Francis’ False Gospel…. "I think we should probably extend it for another year or two. This is a polemical Catholic Royalist blog. 33 Abs. Tag der Novene zum heiligen Erzengel Michael. This creates a stagnation that could accelerate the process of erosion in the Church in unexpected ways. Das Domkapitel hat gewählt; in wenigen Tagen wird der Gewählte dann von Papst Franziskus offiziell ernannt werden: Heiner Koch. E-mail: s.magister@espressoedit.it Postal address: Sandro Magister, "L'espresso", via C. Colombo 90, 00147 Roma Site design by Theo Nelki. Helps You with Proper Nutrition for Faster Muscle Growth. Let me take a moment to simp for Ann Barnhardt . Doch er ist einer der engsten Vertrauten von Papa […]. (Rome) In July 2017, Bishop Gustavo Oscar Zanchetta, although only 53 years old, became emeritus diocesan bishop of the Argentine diocese of Oran. “We do not … consider the Chair of Peter to be vacant“! Tag der Novene zum heiligen Erzengel Michael. Refinishing the Great Facade: The Vatican, the SSPX, and the “Restoration of Tradition”, Bergoglian Poppycock by the Truckload: Francis’ Christmas Address to the Roman Curia, Comedy Hour at Vatican Abuse Summit: Homosexuality isn’t “Something that really Predisposes to Sin”. People Preparing McCarrick Report Same People As Counting Votes In Nevada, Das gesungene dominikanische Salve Regina ist entspannender als jede Yogaübung, Wir beten mit dem Papst im November 2020: Für die Roboterforschung und technische Entwicklungen, 1. Given the long list of scandalous statements attributed to Francis by Scalfari since 2013, papal behavior is not explained by what has been said on other occasions. The Urgency of Advent This Year: Light a Candle! Priest Fr. Bishop Ruiz With Zapatista Guerrillas in 1996. Jan Krysiński: Świętość i wiedza kapłana, Canon212 Update: If Traitorous Cd. Dwight Longenecker, "A Married Priest on Celibacy". no longer being asked for the discipline of "continentia," even temporary, in regard to their wives. Wenn dies die Visitenkarte der neuen Kurie ist, herrscht dort Verwirrung vor. Marco Tosatti: Im Vatican heute. Might reveal things if provoked. Comments are subject to deletion if they are not germane. Zu diesen Ämtern zählen im Index -außer dem "Wirtschaftsrat", dem "Wirtschaftssekretariat", dem "Camerlengo der Hl. He subsequently justified his hasty disappearance from an unknown location with unspecified "health problems". Heiligsprechung und ihr Prozess (4 von 6), A aleatoriedade, entendida estritamente enquanto tal, é uma forma de determinismo, Latin Mass News and Updates for the State of Georgia, The Latin Mass Society RC Diocese of Middlesbrough, Dok im lastika uši dira, ekumenizam evoluira, McCarrick, el lobby gay logra otro punto a favor, A Political Refugee From the Global Village - an Englishman in Bucharest. What does Pope Francis Think of the Council? If you’ve been greatly disturbed by the perpetual heresy spout called “Pope Francis” lately but for some reason or another were still holding out hope that he really is a Catholic and this is all just a big misunderstanding, the following story will provide a sobering reality check for you. #McCarrickReport, Part 2 of Guimaraes’ assessment of Fratelli Tutti: https://traditioninaction.org/bev/249bev11_16_2020.htm #fratellitutti #popefrancis, The Vatican’s Congregation for Bishops has ordered an investigation into Bishop Oscar Cantu’s handling of allegations of clerical sexual abuse and misconduct. Simple theme. Aber wenn man bei Artikel 152 schaut, wird im text über etwas ganz anderes gesprochen, weil die Elemosineria Apostolica, die durch die Aktivitäten von Kardinal Konrad Krajewski berühmt wurde, nicht als letzte sondern als dritte auf der Liste der fünfzehn zukünftigen Dicasterien steht- unmuittelbar nach dem für die Evangelisierung und dem für die Glaubenslehre. The German church is a black hole," was the unflattering judgment of Vaticanist Sandro Magister on the Catholic Church in the Federal Republic of Germany, whose highest representative office is the German Bishops' Conference. Benedict/Fr. We are what you once were. Arturo Sosa made fun of it. 2). I was informed today that a long-time reader and commentator here, What’s there to be thankful for? “Pope Francis has invited the world's foremost proponent of abortion and population control to address his #EconomyOfFrancesco conference on the theme of ‘letting life flourish’” - https://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/pope-woos-top-pro-abortion-globalist Because compassion! Reminder: John Courtney Murray’s Religious Liberty Error is Doctrine of Vatican II, and it doesn’t take a traditionalist to see that - https://novusordowatch.org/2013/04/murray-religious-liberty-vatican2/ #CatholicTwitter #catholic. Photo: VoxNews Al-Azhar, the most influential theological ... By David Martin Two weeks ago, Joe Biden in one of his classic blunders stated that his campaign included "the most extensive and inc... Edit: Hi! Saturday, February 23, 2019. Die beiden Schlüsselkapitel des Entwurfs für die Kurie", "Johannes Paul II Institut. As in the past his two predecessors Federico Lombardi SJ and Greg Burke also Bruni denied the said. Analysis of U.S. 1 § 4 -fehlt ein Wort. Und gleich danach heißt es in § 2 noch einmal: „Ein Teil der Lehrveranstaltungen kann in Form von Fernunterricht durchgeführt werden, wenn die zuvor von der Kongregation für das katholische Bildungswesen genehmigte Organisation des Studiums dies vorsieht und die Bedingungen festlegt, insbesondere in Bezug auf die Prüfungen (siehe Ap. #CatholicTwitter #popefrancis, That Ratzinger Note #McCarrick Wanted to Keep Secret. And not afterward, either. Or did he just want to say that the doyen of Italian left-journalism no longer hears well, and put together something in good faith that Francis has neither said nor meant? The fact is that Scalfari, as spokesman for Pope Francis, is accustoming the public, above all the Catholic community, to the incomprehensible and unthinkable with a constant increase. All the "corrections" made by the Vatican press office, which had previously been made to Scalfari, were everything, just no real denials. Posted by papabear at 7:13 PM. From the "Autonomous Church" to the "Amazon Priest"? Eine chronologische Auflistung mit allen Beiträgen zum Schlagwort: Sandro Magister. Offensichtlich wurde als der Entwurf für die Reform der neuen Kurie verschickt wurde, vergessen, daß der Index hätte überprüft und der Rat der Kardinäle daraus entfernt werden müssen. Aber das rechtfertigt nicht die Plumpheit der reichlich vorhandenen Fehler. With New Accusations Against Bergoglio, From His Argentina. Embed from Getty Imageswindow.gie=window.gie||function(c){(gie.q=gie.q||[]).push(c)};gie(function(){gie.widgets.load({id:'nvEiOP1mR81Otqln89qCNA',sig:'jlsbJltoEc5lrjBW_Fe5C7w6BjkNtoAeMGgX7pzmxWs=',w:'594px',h:'394px',items:'57190220',caption: true ,tld:'com',is360: false })}); [UPDATE 20-JUN-17 00:22 UTC: Edward Pentin reports that this letter was delivered to Francis on May 6 of this year. Countering a misleading Bergoglian Mantra, President-Elect? In addition to his practice, the bishop complained of a pressing shortage of priests and prepared the next step for the ordination of married deacons to the priesthood. It also hopes to be a bridge for those who wish to cross over, unite and fight for the truth. Katholischen Kirche" der "APSA" und dem "Amt de Generalauditors" auch diese drei: die "Präefektur des Päpstlichen Haushalts" "Amt für die Liturgischen Feiern des Pobtifex Maximus" und "Advokaten" - die aber im Text an anderer Stelle zusammengefaßt werden: die ersten beiden in der Sektion "Andere Einheiten" und die Dritten in einer eigenen Kategorie "Anwälte". Just remember, the Rhine still flows into the Tiber. Dear Mr. Magister, Permit me to reply to your article “Archbishop Viganò on the Brink of Schism,” published at Settimo Cielo on June 29 . ". Tag der Novene zum heiligen Erzengel Michael. In a 3500-word “Christmas address” to the Roman Curia, the 83-year-old man who presents himself to the world under the pseudonym “Pope Francis” delivered yet another Modernist manifesto, with the clear aim of getting his sheeple in line to accept the next tidal wave of doctrinal and disciplinary change. As usual, the Scalfari Teaching Office follows a precise worldview that today is that of the. Sandro Magister on the Summit February 21, Feast of Saint Peter Damian, a Prophet For Today’s Church At the Summit, Homosexuality Is Taboo. Happy Deformation Day (And That's Not a Typo!). In fact, the Vatican had always spoken of a “provisional” agreement. Die Organisation des Studiums bestimmt die Bedingungen, insbesondere in Bezug auf die Prüfungen (Anwendbare Normen, Art. 16. Because the McCarrick report mysteriously doesn't address his responsibility for things that happened when he was Secretary of State. Memory Eternal!
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