The sight features a 6 MOA red dot, and if it is fully visible, it represents where your pattern will be delivered. The adventure continued as I spotted a rooster running into a weed patch. They do not signify that we endorse the website(s). Subscribe to our newsletter and we'll keep you up to date on our products and services. Learn More. The fit, feel, and balance are noticeable, and when hunting fast-flying birds, timing and well-placed patterns are critical. Four different stock styles exist. Prairie chickens are known for flushing out of range, and a full choke was a consideration. We may occasionally hire other companies to provide services on our behalf, including but not limited to handling customer support enquiries, processing transactions or customer freight shipping. Comes in 12-gauge or .410 gauge. The term ‘Gunworld Australia Trading Pty Ltd ’ or ‘us’ or ‘we’ refers to the owner of the website whose registered office is 2/18 Elliott Court Hillcrest Queensland 4118 Australia. Waterfowl and upland bird hunters often overlook the advantages of using a sight. All trademarks reproduced in this website, which are not the property of, or licensed to the operator, are acknowledged on the website. How we shoulder a shotgun, change the length of pull with various types of clothing, or stand on sloped ground can all affect how the shotgun comes up and whether the sight picture down the barrel is lined up correctly on the target. The SPAS-12 is a dual-mode shotgun, adjustable for semi-automatic or pump-action operation. In 1989, F.I.E suffered from major losses of sales due to the president's importation ban, which was a reinterpretation of 18 U.S.C. The products are pricey, but when shot opportunities are limited, and miles of ground needs to be covered to generate an opportunity, it all becomes relevant. The barrel length is 21.5 or less and the less barrel length by factory is more sought after. If you require further assistance please contact us. The 1994 federal "Crime Bill", signed into law by President Clinton on Sept. 13, 1994, included the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. Learn More. Shoulder a Franchi shotgun for reliable performance afield and at the range. The LAW-12 models were more common with police sales as an alternative to the more expensive SPAS-12 for departments throughout the United States. Franchi Instinct Sporting Shotgun. A SPAS-12 and LAW-12 shotgun factory stamped by a year after 1994 is considered an illegal import violating federal importation laws with penalties for possession in the U.S. Post: Attn: Privacy Officer, The first version of the SPAS-12 manufactured with the wooden detachable stock with the standard grip. Luigi Franchi S.p.A. (Italian pronunciation: [luˈiːdʒi ˈfraŋki]) is an Italian manufacturer of firearms, a division of Beretta Holding. The 7-shell was designed for the 19 7/8in. Franchi manufactures over and under, and semi-automatic shotguns. The ATF allowed importation of a SPAS-12 variant from American Arms because its size, weight, bulk and modified configuration were such that it was particularly suitable for traditional shooting sports. The term ‘you’ refers to the user or viewer of our website. News Franchi Pro Staff Email Subscription (eNews) Product Reviews; Shop. Franchi Menu Menu. A versatile shotgun that fits correctly can lead to a lot of fun and success. The Sandhills are tough on firearms, where sand can affect the action and working parts, and the elements can test … The city was part of that nation's industrial heartland. Dealer. More. These three "sister" shotguns accepted all SPAS-12 components, notably trigger groups, barrel threaded attachments and stocks. This hook could be rotated in 90-degree increments, so it would fit under the user's forearm when the stock was extended. Official review in Australian Shooter February 2000. 925(d)(3) that required firearms to have a "sporting purpose" in order to be imported. Semi-auto. Its performance afield and at the range feels right. The SPAS-12 has a magazine cut-off feature, which prevents loading a new round from the internal magazine when the gun is cycled. Gun World Australia welcomes your comments regarding this Privacy Policy. [8] The extensions have been known to spin off the front of the SPAS-12 during cycling if the extension was not tapered for the SPAS-12 retaining pin. The semi-auto shotguns also have sling attachment points, an over-sized loading port, an ambidextrous safety, a ventilated and chrome-lined barrel, and a drilled and tapped receiver. Firearms Model. This category is empty! The sight can be placed at different points of the ventilated rib; trying a few attachment points will show where it is easy to reference the dot while pointing the shotgun. 30″ 48.125″ 7.85 lbs. The other turkeys scattered in every direction as I gathered my prizes. Shotguns; Franchi Shotguns; In 1868, Franchi began manufacturing firearms in Brescia, Italy. Seeing is believing, and having the reference dot and knowing it is dead-on accurate will put your pattern on your favorite fowl when you pull the trigger. Three more birds flushed before I was close enough to raise the shotgun. Videos. The SPAS-12 was designed to function primarily in semi-automatic mode, with the pump-action mode used to reliably fire low-pressure ammunition such as tear gas rounds or less-lethal bean bags. The LAW-12 was a semi-automatic only and the SAS-12 was a pump action only. Purchase Franchi factory choke tubes from the Franchi USA Gear Store now. The Affinity 3.5 is only 12 gauge. For metal finish you have the choice between a high-lustre, blue polish nickel or blued barrel on a stainless receiver. Learn More, All models are stocked with figured American Walnut, fitted with a soft rubber recoil pad and feature extensive cut checkering in a border-point pattern. 922(v)]. Spotting a roving flock of long-beards and jakes, I crept into a row of round bales for concealment. Barrel. From time to time, we may use customer information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy notice. Thus began our well-established tradition of craftsmanship. and a capacity of 8 rounds in the magazine + 1 in the chamber. Specialized recoil pads allow for length-of-pull adjustment and take the bite out of magnum shotshells. Gun World Australia, Our mission is to provide readers with compelling content that is both relevant and valuable to the modern outdoorsman/shooter. Starting Price $1,369. The upgraded chokes plus a lengthened forcing cone improve performance, resulting in a chicken getting a ride in my upland vest. Please try another category or use our search function to find what you are looking for. The Pump Only Franchi SAS-12 could accept 3" shells but it did not have a bolt handle cut in the bolt body. Two front shell pockets are designed to fit a full box of shells. Keeping track of moving heads was difficult. A drop in temperature had sent most of the waterfowl farther south, meaning I did not get to play with the three extended waterfowl chokes (Close-, Mid-, and Long-Range) packaged with the shotgun. More. Visit your Franchi dealer today., Manufacturing companies established in 1868, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. BROWNS PLAINS BC, QLD, 4118 More. Models were later available with the folding metal stock with hook. This lets the operator load a specialized round into the chamber without firing the whole magazine first. The aim is to compare and test similar products by a panel of three experts. The earliest version would release the hammer on safe up to 1/4in. For the weight, fit, and feel you want, rely on a Franchi. The SPAS-12 would not include Importation Markings on the side of the receiver before 1982 and after 1994 by the U.S. importers Firearms Import and Export (F.I.E) or American Arms. Search form. Turkey heads and feet moving in the treeline had my shotgun pointed to where they should emerge into the open. PO BOX 1156 If you disagree with any part of these terms and conditions, please do not use our website. Starting Price $609. In 1990, Franchi renamed the shotgun the Sporting Purpose Automatic Shotgun, which allowed continued sales to the United States as a limited-magazine-capacity, fixed-stock model until 1994. The sneak was on, and as I stood up at the fence line, the birds started to take flight. The SPAS-12 collector shotguns are wanted for certain style features. Franchi LF-59 - 7.62×51mm NATO battle rifle. The Federal Custom Shop loads tungsten shotshells that offer deadly results. The clucking of excited or nervous birds placed them about 200 yards ahead on a sidehill. The date code on the receiver is proofed 1989 or earlier with F.I.E. This was the reason for such few numbers of shotguns imported into the United States. The 5-shell was designed for the 18" barrel. Search . $ 1495.00. Franchi's sporting shotguns are a perfect balance of Italian tradition and craftsmanship paired with exceptional performance. Made in 1968 only to commemorate their 100-year anniversary. In September 2004 the ban expired, but Franchi had ended production of the SPAS-12 in 2000 to focus on the manufacturing of the SPAS-15 model. As one of their most expensive firearms, this Instinct also one of Franchi’s longest and heaviest shotguns. Please try another category or use our search function to find what you are looking for. I squeezed the trigger and watched the bird topple to the ground. The trigger and action are easy to remove, clean, and reassemble. The Sandhills are tough on firearms, where sand can affect the action and working parts, and the elements can test even the best-maintained shotgun. Your use of this website and any dispute arising out of such use of the website is subject to the laws of Australia. Franchi Affinity 3.5 Semi-Auto Max5 Shotgun 12 GA 28\" 41100 $ 911.00 (0) Franchi Affinity 3 12GA 26\" Walnut Shotgun 41050 $ 849.00 (1) Franchi Affinity 3 Mossy oak bottomland 20/26 Semi 4+1 $ 849.00 (2) Franchi Affinity 3 Walnut 20/26 Semi 4+1 $ 849.00 (1) Franchi Instinct SL 16GA 2-3/4\" 28\" AA-Grade Satin Walnut Ov $ 1,499.00 (0) Franchi Instinct Sporting II 12 GA 30" A-Grade Satin Walnut Adj $ … Area Code: 417 . If you are unable to find the Franchi shotgun you are after please contact The Barn so our staff can assist you further. Welcome to our website. The Franchi SPAS 12 features a very original design and unique lines, looking much more like a M60 machine gun than what it actually is: a 12 gauge semiauto shotgun.. Its mean and menacing appearance, dominated by the vented heat shield, the massive wrap-around polymer forend, and the distinctive stamped sheet steel folding stock, were actually meant to be intimidating and a true deterrent. Item Number Barrel Length Stock Overall Length Average Weight MSRP; Instinct L Over and Under Shotgun 12-Gauge 2-3/4" and 3" 40800 : 28″ A-Grade Satin Walnut, Prince-of-Wales Stock: 45.5″ 7.0 lbs. The LAW-12 has a barrel length of 21.5" a weight of 7 lbs. There are four different Magazine Extension Tubes manufactured for the SPAS 12: Many choke types original and aftermarket exist for the SPAS-12. Walking focused and watching for flushing birds or the sound of beating wings, I hoped to cut the distance before the birds evacuated. The various magazine extension tubes of the LAW-12 and SAS-12 were never designed to be interchangeable with the SPAS-12 as this would cause issues with the gas selector switch moving from Auto to Pump action on the SPAS-12 model. Now’s the time to own an Instinct L over and under shotgun. Lever safeties were recalled by Franchi and were replaced through the importer American Arms in the early 1990s. Neither we nor any third parties provide any warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of the information and materials found or offered on this website for any particular purpose. The semi-automatic Only Franchi LAW-12 Model was also restricted by importation in 1989 and banned in 1994 with the AWB. Adjustments can also be made with the shim kit to customize the fit for any user. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy and would like further information, please contact us by any of the following means during business hours Monday to Friday. than the SPAS-12 and still maintained the same tube capacity of 8+1 shells. Shop Home … This is the only known model to receive the pistol grip safety. A second jake raised its head as if stunned by the percussion of the shot, and I quickly added him to the bag. From early in the instruction of using a shotgun, we are told to point and not aim. 4 oz. Downing two chickens, I rounded out my daily limit. Seller: Elephant & Castle Fine Arms . Semi-auto. If you require further assistance please contact us. Instinct L Over and Under. Importation of the SPAS-12 into the United States began in 1982 and ended in 1989 under F.I.E. The appearance and intended purpose of the SPAS-12 initially led to its "military" designation as a combat shotgun. [20], The Franchi SPAS-12 with stock folded and butt hook removed, SPAS-12, SAS-12 and LAW-12 Model Differences, CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown (, "Welcome to Choate Machine and Tool - Your Premier Source for Tactical Stocks and Accessories for Rifles, Shotguns and Submachine Guns",,, "Gen. 101] 101 FIREARMS May 24, 2010 Colonel Terrence B. Sheridan Superintendent, Maryland State Police You have asked for an int", "NYSAFE Act Gun Reform - Governor Andrew M. Cuomo",, "Bangladesh Military Forces -", "Kopassus & Kopaska – Specijalne Postrojbe Republike Indonezije", Shotgun uses by Nepal Mobile Service police^,, Weapons and ammunition introduced in 1979, CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2020, Articles with dead external links from January 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Tube Extension 5+1, 6+1, 7+1 and 8+1 rounds, internal tube. Starting Price $849. Our official reviews complement writer reviews in the magazine. The model was known to have imported with all stock styles used on the Franchi SPAS-12. [18 U.S.C. Instinct LX. A vented back and H2O port is fantastic on warmer days or long hikes. Momentum Elite. The Aimpoint Micro S-1 could be the tool to increase your success while wing shooting. Click this image to complete your The Affinity 3.5 comes with a seven-year warranty and has an MSRP of $1,419. COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_QUCKVIEW. Home; Shotguns; Franchi Shotguns; In 1868, Franchi began manufacturing firearms in Brescia, Italy. Gun World Australia reserves the right to charge a fee for searching for, and providing access to, your information on a per request basis. [citation needed] The SPAS-12's factory retail price in its final year was US$1,500 averaged for its final sales outside the United States to non-restricted countries.[1]. A unique feature of the SPAS-12 was the hook on folding-stock variants. U.S. States and territories listed that ban the Franchi SPAS-12 and LAW-12 currently from future individual civilian possession are, California,[14] Connecticut,[15] District of Columbia,[16] Maryland,[17] Massachusetts,[18] New Jersey,[19] and New York. Skip to main content. Franchi remained a family business since its founding until 1987, when it was acquired by the industrial conglomerate Socimi, based in Milan; with the bankruptcy of Socimi in 1993, Franchi was acquired by Beretta Holding which is the current owner. AUSTRALIA. NEW IN STOCK Franchi Affinity 3.5 Elite 12ga 3-1/2" 28" Waterfowl … SORT | FILTER | SEARCH Loading… × SORT AND FILTER. and a capacity of 8 rounds in the magazine + 1 in the chamber. The LAW-12 model was notably lighter " 1.35 lbs. " The SPAS and LAW could only accept 23⁄4" shells. This collected information is used solely internally for the purpose of gauging visitor traffic, trends and delivering personalized content to you while you are at this Site. The use of this website is subject to the following terms of use: This following document sets forth the Privacy Policy for Gun World Australia, A B-Square rail mount for optics was available for a short time in the 1990s as an aftermarket accessory. Franchi Affinity 3.5 Elite Semi-Auto Shotgun 41220, 12 Gauge . [2] A 44mm grenade launcher used by France was used for explosive grenades capable of a range of 150 meters. Following the United States Federal Assault Weapons Ban, imports of SPAS-12 shotguns to the United States were stopped. You have a right to access your personal information, subject to exceptions allowed by law. I had put a modified choke in the Franchi Affinity 3.5 to balance pattern with range on these flighty fowl. From time to time, this website may also include links to other websites. [11], Both importers placed numerous additional orders for the SPAS-12 that were never completely filled due to U.S. restrictions throughout importation. This material includes, but is not limited to, the design, layout, look, appearance and graphics. If you prefer to spend more time hunting and less time cleaning, the inertia-driven action will be a highlight. [3] A factory shot diverter that spreads shot vertically or horizontally was originally included with earlier model SPAS-12's, There are many known reproduction diverters.[4]. Franchi Shotguns. The quick employment safety can be disengaged with the trigger finger when ready to fire and is intended for competition or tactical use. The adjustable waist belt features two flip-down gun rests to free up hands when needed. Franchi Affinity Elite shotguns handle and perform intuitively. At the report of the gun, the bird crumpled mid-flight and tumbled to the ground. If you would like to do so, please let us know. In theory, with the stock supported under the forearm, the gun can be fired with one hand; an example would be letting the user fire from a vehicle through the passenger-side window while driving. The SPAS-12 was sold to military and police users worldwide, as well as on the civilian market, and has been featured in many films, TV shows, and video games. Franchi Channel. The later version installed a detent and machined hole in the trigger group frame to prevent an action lock; the detent would prevent the hammer from engaging when the trigger was depressed and would prevent an action lock from occurring. If our information practices change at some time in the future we will use for these new purposes only, data collected from the time of the policy change forward will adhere to our updated practices. {{ product.Prices.RegularPrice | currency }}. Be it new tactics for hunting or customizing your firearm - we cover it all! We have no responsibility for the content of the linked website(s). TenPoint and Garmin Team Up to Create the World’s Most Advanced Crossbow System, ALPS OutdoorZ Hybrid X Pack Now Available in Realtree Excape, Traditions and Federal Premium have Revolutionized the Modern Muzzeloader, How To: Install MOS-Height Sights on Your GLOCK, Tackling 1911 Pistol Cleaning and Maintenance. You acknowledge that such information and materials may contain inaccuracies or errors and we expressly exclude liability for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extent permitted by law. You may be required to put your request in writing for security reasons. Starting Price $1,599. Franchi 'Centennial' - .22LR rifle. More. 641 - 5.56×45mm NATO assault rifle. The 8-shell was designed for the 21.5 Special purpose model. Features AA-Grade Walnut Stock. If you continue to browse and use this website, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use, which together with our privacy policy govern Gunworld Australia Trading Pty Ltd ’s relationship with you in relation to this website. It shall be your own responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information available through this website meet your specific requirements. These links are provided for your convenience to provide further information. For each visitor to reach the site, we expressively collect the following non-personally identifiable information, including but not limited to browser type, version and language, operating system, pages viewed while browsing the Site, page access times and referring website address. The firing mode is switched by depressing the button under the fore-grip and also sliding the fore-grip forwards or backwards until it clicks into position allowing the rotating sleeve to open or close the two gas ports. This may include but not limited to a unique username and password, or provide sensitive information in the recovery of your lost password. The barrel of the SPAS-12 was externally threaded to accept a variety of attachments. 4 oz. Prairie chicken, sharp-tailed grouse, pheasant, turkey, and an abundance of waterfowl can keep the barrel of your favorite smoothbore warm. The quick employment safety, which is on the left side of the trigger guard, disconnects the trigger when put into safe mode. Our ABN is 87 628 127 622. Search. The law requires that "assault weapons" manufactured after September 13, 1994 be stamped with their date of manufacture or serial number to identify with factory date of manufacturing. The SPAS-12 was designed to function primarily in semi-automatic mode, with the pump-action mode used to reliably fire low-pressure ammunition such as tear gas rounds or less-lethal bean bags. [13], SPAS-12 and LAW-12 shotguns are listed illegal for possession in states that hold a "military assault weapon style" law that identifies the shotguns by name on each states individual ban. an "assault weapon" manufactured after that date. The longer extension allowing eight shells in the tubular magazine. {{ DisplayCount }} of {{ Products.length }}. The prairie chickens of the Nebraska Sandhills had given an audible clue that they were close. Please enable Javacript before you continue. $ 1555.00. Assault Weapons Ban. The Sandhills of Nebraska is a bird hunter’s playground. The Franchi SPAS-12 is a combat shotgun manufactured by Italian firearms company Franchi from 1979 to 2000. COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_QUCKVIEW. Find a Dealer. It is subject to change without notice. This category is empty! (Common to the United Kingdom) 21-1/2" as a one piece barrel converted to a 24" UK legal barrel. The Micro S-1 is easy to pattern with a shotgun to ensure the payload is on target every time. Over And Under . Learn More. Nebraska’s Sandhills upland bird diversity puts Franchi’s semi-auto to task. GI#: 101523046. With two fall turkey tags in my pocket, I screwed the full choke into the barrel with anticipation. Still 100 yards from the base of the hill, the first two birds broke rank and headed for safer ground. In those days, gunmakers' guilds isolated themselves to keep their metalworking techniques secret. A single prairie chicken is a trophy bird to many upland hunters, and to bring home a mixed bag with a high kill rate can be attributed to high-quality equipment and the right ammunition. Unauthorised use of this website may give rise to a claim for damages and/or be a criminal offence. Franchi I-12 Sporting Shotgun 12 GA New & unfired in original hard plastic case 30" ported barrel with a matte vent rib High polish bluing on barrel Matte silver receiver Walnut ...Click for more info. Instinct SL Over and Under. Sort by: Keywords: Price: Apply Cancel. Over And Under. … © 2018 The Adelaide Gun Shop. Guns & Ammo Firearms Shotguns Franchi. It's got the weight, fit and feel you want. A versatile shotgun that fits correctly can lead to a lot of fun and success. It did not take much to flush the bird and cover it with a pattern of pellets. In 1990 American Arms incorporated purchased all remaining inventories of parts and SPAS-12 shotguns from the now bankrupt F.I.E Corp and began the re-importation of the Franchi SPAS-12 as the (Sporting Purpose Automatic Shotgun) under newly approved restrictions until 1994. Finish/Stock: A-Grade Satin Walnut / Wood Stock Gauge: 12-Gauge Chambered for: 2-3/4" 3" Item Number Barrel Length Overall Length Average Weight; 41140. Luigi Franchi S.p.A. is an Italian manufacturer of firearms, a division of Beretta Holding. After crawling through the tight strands of barbed wire, I quickly reloaded the shotgun once on the other side. The LAW-12 was discontinued by Franchi shortly before the SPAS-12 discontinued in 2000. Buy Franchi USA choke tubes online now at the official Franchi USA Gear Store. The Affinity 3.5 has a vented rib and improved ergonomics to provide faster handling and target acquisition, which comes in handy with the speed of upland birds. Franchi Para - .22LR Rifle - 8000 made, 3000 of which imported to the US by FIE, RF 83 - Inexpensive service revolver chambered in .38 Special, This page was last edited on 25 September 2020, at 15:17. [a] There are two types of push-button safeties. The Cerokote finish protects the metal parts from tough use and the environment. If you are unable to find the Franchi shotgun you are after please contact The Barn so our staff can assist you further. Rimfire Rifles ( .22LR, .22 Mag, .17HMR, .17WSM ), S/H Actions Only / Parts Only / Inoperable, Ammo Belts / Cartridge Holders / Rifle Slings, Bench Rests / Bench Bags / Bi-Pods / Cleaning Centre's, Cleaning / Re-Bluing / Stock Finishing Products, Ammo Belts-Cartridge Holders-Rifle Slings.
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